A Conversation for Mayflower Steps
Peer Review: A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
meat3veg Started conversation Nov 14, 2005
Entry: Mayflower Steps - A6967065
Author: meat3veg - U2493616
First time, please be gentle. Does this get added as a footnote if it's all agreed?
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
echomikeromeo Posted Nov 15, 2005
Are you trying to update an existing entry, meat3veg? If so, please go to <./>Feedback-Editorial</.> and read the guidelines for submitting your update there. PeerReview is a review forum intended for entire entries.
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
meat3veg Posted Nov 16, 2005
Well, it is a separate entry, but I was wondering if it could be a footnote to the plymouth entry, as the mayflower steps info there is slightly incorrect.
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
Trin Tragula Posted Nov 16, 2005
As echomikeromeo explained, the place to suggest updates and alterations to existing entries - additional footnotes included - is in Editorial Feedback. Click on the link she gave, start a new conversation there saying what the Entry in question is (with the 'A' number if possible) and what you think needs adding to it.
They're often very quick in there But this isn't itself a separate entry, I'm afraid - could you take it out of Peer Review?
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
meat3veg Posted Nov 21, 2005
Sorry to be so slow, I've been away. And now I've been clicking in circles trying to find out how to remove it from peer review. It's not as straightforward as it ought to be, this website. Thankyou for all your help, but could you offer me a little more?
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
Trin Tragula Posted Nov 21, 2005
If you click on the link to 'Peer Review' at the top of this page, then scroll down to the bottom of that next page, you'll see a list of entries - yours should have a little 'remove' beside it
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 22, 2005
The little "remove" is actually a little X.
A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
Trin Tragula Posted Nov 22, 2005
Really? In Alabaster it says 'Remove' - a little underlined link
Ah well - looks like it's happened anyway
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Peer Review: A6967065 - Mayflower Steps
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