A Conversation for The Phantom Menace

cameo spoiler

Post 1

beetle, return of

My brother just saw the movie a few hours ago at a preview screening. He said there was a cameo appearence made by E.T. Neat, huh.

cameo spoiler

Post 2


Where? I just saw it twice, and damned if I noticed. I would not be surprised to find out that it's not actually ET, just a race that looks somewhat similar. Eh, but what do I know?

cameo spoiler

Post 3

beetle, return of

Hel if I saw him. There was a lot to look at, and several cameo appearences, but no ET. That is what I get for listening to my brother.

cameo spoiler

Post 4


I didn't notice when I saw the movie, but apparently there are three ETs in the lower left corner of the screen during the scene in the senate chamber. At least that's what I've read. By the way, were the Tusken-raider-slack-jawed-yokel-hillbillies taking potshots at the racers great or what? smiley - smiley

cameo spoiler

Post 5

beetle, return of

You would think they were better shots. Only picked off one or two racers.

cameo spoiler

Post 6


What about 'Willow' hanging out with Watto at the races? What was his name anyway? He sure looks like a rowdy.

cameo spoiler

Post 7


Hey!!!!! Please respond if you are online!


Post 8


Who, Me?

cameo spoiler

Post 9


I thought maybe the Senate Chamber scene would be where the suspected ET cameo would be. There were also some wookies in there, by the way.


Post 10

beetle, return of

The actor's name is WarWick Davis. Great actor.

cameo spoiler

Post 11


I saw the movie a couple hours ago (we closed the ad agency to do it) and I noticed a couple very ET-like creatures in the Senate. As a tangent, I liked the film a lot--not just for the effects.


Post 12


Yeah, I noticed Mr. Davis too. It's interesting how they kept cutting back and forth between him and Anakin's little Rodian friend (who was also played by Warwick Davis).

stufff in starwars

Post 13

Researcher 40271

saw star wars too many time to care to say(i work in a cinema)
there is 3 "E.T's" in the senate lucas and speilbergh(or how ever you spell that damn name)
are great friends durring an interview klucas said that their like brothers, i am sure this
was a poke in the ribs type of a move for lucas.
durring the race there is a damn quick shot of an ewok
which so happens to be the same guy who played the lead ewock in return of the jedi.
also stay a few extra mins for the closing credits. look for "jabba the hut"
and if i am not mistaken i have already heard rumors(thats all they are right now)
that maul will be back, he will have no legs and will use his mastery
of the force to hover.
thats all i have to say about that.


Post 14


Yup, sittin' there in the crowd (during the pod-race) next to the blue winged-guy (Watta?) was Warwick aka Willow aka Wicket the Ewok. In the credits, he's listed as Wald, evidently continuing his tradition of playing characters with names starting with "W". Note: This isn't true of all of his characters. In 1998 he played "Lucky" in "A Very Unlucky Leprechaun". He probably had a lot of practice for this role from some of his other movies...."Leprechaun", "Leprechaun 2", "Leprechaun 3", and, believe it or not, "Leprechaun 4: In Space".

Maul with no legs...

Post 15


Maybe so, but with two prints going around, one with him splitting in two the other, Maul falling intact, it will be hard to explain that to people who only saw the second print... smiley - smiley


Post 16

beetle, return of

Not a high point in his carrer.

stufff in starwars

Post 17


I was thinking that maul woul have to come back...I mean...he was just to badass to kill off on the first scene... He wouldnt have to remain cut in half though...I'm sure the sith could ahve acquired acce;erated healing

stufff in starwars

Post 18

beetle, return of

Well, there is accelerated healing, then there is having your body cut in half then falling thousands of feet into a power generator.

Star Wars...the Plot.

Post 19


Ok, everyone. Listen carefully. I too was disappointed that Darth Maul died, but there is a reason for everything in the world of Lucas. Something much cooler than Maul, if you can imagine, is on it's way. With Darth Maul out of the way, Darth Sidious/ Chancellor Palpatine will have to find a new Sith apprentice (there are always TWO Sith, remember), and Anakin is him. This is what will happen in E. II and III- The future Emperor Palpatine (remember Return of the Jedi??) lures Anakin away from Obi-Wan's training, and through the story that ensues, he will become Darth Vader.

And the quote "Tusken-raider-slack-jawed-yokel-hillbillies taking potshots at the racers" were Sand People. From Episode IV. A New Hope. They beat the crap out of Luke, whence he met Ben-Obi-Wan. Remember??

At the risk of sounding brash or rude, I sometimes wonder whether anyone who saw The Phantom Menace knew a whit about the Star Wars story before they stepped into the theater.


Sandy People

Post 20


The Sand People ARE Tusken Raiders. ( http://dbay95.site.yahoo.net/dbay95/tuskenraider.html )I think the person was just saying how cool it was that they made an appearance in Ep.I. I agree that a lot of people who see Ep. I don't seem to know much about what happened in IV, V, and VI, but the movie stands pretty well on it's own. To many kids, Ep. I IS Star Wars...not that antiquated "A New Hope".

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