A Conversation for How did you get into h2g2??

How I discovered H2G2

Post 1

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Hi Tal & Veg,

I saw an interview with the great man himself on the box. It must have been in the early(ish) days, I don't think it was Tomorrows World though, probably a daytime TV sort of thing. I think I rushed straight over to the computer and logged on.

I was a great fan of the guide already. The band I played in while it was doing it's first outing in the UK in the early 80's would have a "Hitch Hiker's" break in the middle of rehersals. I also remember listening to it on tape in my mates car, driving South from the far North of Scotland, on leave form the Air Force.

Bassman smiley - cool

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