A Conversation for h2g2 Life

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 1


Is this you coming out of hibernation or just a twitch of the pen during the long sleep? When you *do* emerge I hope you'll have cleaned off all the bits of leaf litter adhering to your beard, and rubbed the sleepy dust out of your blinking eyes, and yawned and stretched, before popping up out of your nest spry and enthusiastic and ready to be snaffled by an owl - spimcoot (that's the plural too) are also woodland creatures by nature, so we know about these things; always useful to have a less favoured relative to go up first.

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 2

Post Team

smiley - laugh

You may be closer than you think with that remark spimcoot! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 3


must say that cartoon is quite good smiley - smiley...now when does the deep sleep end??

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 4

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Thanks for an excellent cartoon Wowbagger. Much appreciated in this quarter, after my research using statistics into the total number of active researchers. There's only about 1600 people who actually use this site regulary, so about 5% went to the meet.

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 5

Post Team

Watch this space later this week Monsy smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 6


He-he....While not near as vocal now as I have been in the past...eeerrrmmm....shall I say that I believe I've gotten my 45 words in!LOLsmiley - winkeye


Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 7

Post Team

Hi NM smiley - hug

I think that you, me, Monsy and Wowbagger have already used our fair share up! smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 8


*begins getting a bit worried*
does this mean we have to stop posting and give everyone else a chance to get their 45 words in?? smiley - huh

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 9

Post Team

smiley - laugh

I hardly think so Monsy smiley - biggrin

We are certainly way below some for prolific postings! smiley - winkeye


shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 10

Post Team

Did you see your archives yet Monsy?


shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 11


WHEW!! had me worried there for a moment smiley - winkeye
bad thing is i can remember a time when you and i would have been tops on those lists smiley - laugh

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 12


oooppppsss!...seems we posted at about the same time there smiley - winkeye.
i have seen the archives, boy i was a busy typer there now wasn't i?! smiley - laugh
i've got them as a link on my page though i don't think they've been noticed yet smiley - winkeye.

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 13

Post Team

I think with all this history of h2g2 activity going on they will be put to good use even if you don't get any feedback! It just shows how much work you put into The Post in the early days. smiley - smiley

I haven't phoned tonight... thought I'd wait until you have more news to relate, ie next week! smiley - hug

shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 14


hopefully one day soon i will have the time to throw a few more things at the post again smiley - smiley. kinda miss that panic of trying to get an article together in time smiley - silly
i figured you'd wait until more news before phoning, it was a major flop today when it comes to getting the ball rolling smiley - sadface. hopefully next monday things will work out better so that nerves can relax a bit smiley - smiley. (they need a smiley with crossed fingers)

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 15

Post Team

It would be great to have you back on the Team Monsy, even for occasional entries smiley - smiley

I'm off to bed now... picked up a nasty cold last weekend which has now turned to an annoying cough and the start of a headache. Just my luck eh? Still... once I feel better I finally have a nice bike to rush around on! smiley - biggrin

Night, night smiley - hugsmiley - yawnsmiley - zzz
shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 16


poor thing smiley - sadface no good being smiley - ill, you go get some rest and feel better soon...gotta break that bike in asap smiley - smiley
i think i'm going to aim toward the bed myself, been a draining kind of day for me smiley - zzz

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 17


AAAHHH...Monsys' "Post" time! How I miss those days!

The shear PANIC that enshrouded the 'puter room EVERY Saturday 'morn.....the "who do I interview this week" discussions(began on Saturday afternoon and continued on through half the week....with me and anyone else who would listen!smiley - winkeye)...the "But..But...They haven't answered my e-mail...and its' Sunday morning!!!!!!"...EVERY week!

The ultimate..."Oh My God!!!!! Pasty can't be here this week!!!!!!!!!"

I tell 'ya...all you guys worked your ***** off there for quite a while. But it got The Post where it is today. Without question its' "The Best Newspaper On The Internet"!

You all, past and present, desearve a great big hardy "WELL DONE"!!!!

I realise its' no "cakewalk" now...but those early days were....shall I say...entertaining. At least for me!smiley - biggrin


Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 18

Post Team

... and that's why I think you are one of the best NM... putting up with all that nonesense! smiley - biggrin

shazz smiley - magic

Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 19


Nothing to "put up with"....I enjoyed the ride! Nothing more enjoyable than seeing Monsy in a "tizzy"....it doesn't happen often and is quite the site to see!!!!smiley - biggrin

(Got a lot done to the cars at the time!LOL)

By the way...hope you're feeling better...sounds as though you've been down for a bit!smiley - sadface


Underground, the creature sleeps

Post 20

Wowbagger - I'm back at good ol' U33922 - Hurrah!

Hi!smiley - musicalnote

spimcoot: "yes." smiley - smiley

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