A Conversation for The History of "The Short Guide to Short Words"
Anal sex error
alji's Started conversation Feb 17, 2002
You say 'Anal sex is the only sexual act performed between consenting adults which is still illegal in the UK.' This is no longer the case but it is, strictly speaking, illegal for gay sex to take place with more than two people present, although this law is currently rarely enforced in nightclubs.
Alji <wizard
Anal sex error
a girl called Ben Posted Feb 17, 2002
Thanks, I wrote that from memory, and did not check it out.
Anal sex error
FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page Posted Mar 2, 2002
actually I think that bit was semi repealed in the late 70's, but I might be wrong.
I think you can have three way anal sex IF you are in your own home within a long term relationship. The law it all hinges on is the act of having anal sex in public. more than two people was counted as public for a long time, even if they were all joining in.But to be honest, what police man is really going to give a flying f*** when there are actual real crimes going on and the police know that any case on this matter would be laughed out of court.
Anal sex error
2SHY ("The most fun you can have without laughing") Posted Apr 15, 2002
anal sex between a man and a woman was only made legal a few years ago when the lowered the age of consent for gay sex to 18. It's still illegal in many parts of the USA.
Urinating during sex is still illegal here and one of the few sexual acts that is still forbidden to be imported on video/dvd. You can get almost anything else past customs but beastiality and urination still get caught almost every time...so I've heard...
Felacio is illegal in Maryland, USA....
Anal sex error
Gone again Posted May 13, 2002
Ooops, Ben, you've upset someone. If this entry was as well considered and written as the other one I commented on earlier today, then it too is deserving of immortality!
I'll try to remember to call back when the moderators have finished their pondering, and see what all the fuss is about. I suppose the title of this thread is a bit of a clue.
"Who cares, wins"
Anal sex error
a girl called Ben Posted May 13, 2002
It is considerably more flippant than the other two! There is a link to a version on Geocities, and the link is in my U-space. Just follow the smiley in the second or third paragraph!
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Anal sex error
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