A Conversation for Bagpipers of the World, UNITE!
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Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume Started conversation Feb 25, 2002
Hehehehe. I'm a drummer.Thought I'd tell you about one of the best musical moments of my life so far...It involves pipes.
My friend, Colin Blakey, was asked to compose a "piece" for the Edinburgh Mela a few years back.The line up included a Northern Ireland Pipe Band, A Pakistani Pipe Band, A Brass section and over 30 drummers not including the piping snares.It was AMAZING.Very well constructed....very moving
....We used 4/4, 6/8 and 9/8 (I think) By the end, we were all Blubbing
.I love pipes...ahhhhhh!
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Feb 26, 2002
Do you wear earplugs?
My child is a first year trombonist and she's already having hearing problems.
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Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume Posted Feb 26, 2002
I was very foolish not to wear earplugs from the beginning(playing for 8 years).I DO have tinnitus now which leads to other problems.We all invested in good quality earplugs from a company in England.They will help prevent further damage but only if used correctly.
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Feb 26, 2002
I have tinnitus from various jobs...but I tend to avoid live performances of most kinds...the PA weasels seem to think and equalizer is a nail driver.
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Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume Posted Feb 26, 2002
To be honest, I wear earplugs on the underground too.Clubs also.I look like a bit of a tw*t but I don't want to end up an old lady that says"EEEEhhhh?" all the time.
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Feb 26, 2002
Good for you. I have had jobs where I had to wear both plugs and ear phones. Very loud factories. We had a 'gospel' band at the church one time that was so loud I couln't even walk in the auditorium. They hurt my ears with the doors closed and me backed off!
I have to wear plugs when I use my printer.
It's one of those old hotshoe continuous ribbon things. Shreaks!
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Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume Posted Feb 27, 2002
Sounds like you learned a lesson too late.Did the factories always provide you with adequate protection?You could probably get compensation if they didnae.How old is your kid whose learning Trombone?Do you play anything?R I P Spike....sniff...sniff
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Feb 27, 2002
Different Jones. Spike Jones, of whom I have a 4 CD boxed set at my elbow, has been dead for a awhile. Chuck was a cartoonist.
Oh, no, I was wearing ear protection from the early eighties on...
As a teen I mowed lawns without it and I went to clubs for awhile..
But I learned about plugs from the Army and when I was shooting on a regular basis.
I began to have tinnitus when I was working in a Guitar Amplifier factory and the owner kept tuning to a harmonic with the amp at ten and then subtracting until he got the level he wanted. For years, a certain harmonic set my teeth to grinding.
I own a couple of guitars and some cheap keyboards. I know just enough about playing them that people pay me not to.
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Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume Posted Feb 27, 2002
Ouch!Amp factory!I hate feedback(well...no-one likes it).It always gives me such a fright!.Its a sure way to put me in a bad mood for the rest of the evening......SQUEAKKKKKK!AAAARGHH!
I also TRY and play guitar.Everything I play sounds the same and I strum in a very B O R I N G way.I frustrate myself.
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Feb 27, 2002
The secret is the strings. Change them often and do not use the same gauge every time. Go from heavy to medium and back again. Use a variety of picks until you find one you like.
And sit and fiddle with it while you rare watching the tube or playing with the computer. Get some Buddy Holly and listen to the way he and the drummer interact...The first two Stones records and some of the early X have a good drummer, guitarist thing going.
Of course, there is always Blue Oyster Cult...
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mctrmt... Posted Mar 1, 2002
myself i play the ukelele... the frets are smaller than guitar, you can stash it in a backpack, and people say, "you play what?"
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Skill, grace, poise...the ukelele, the instrument of the gentleman, the cultured lady...its desultry tones wafting away from the campfire sing-a-long to mingle with the seals on the offshore rocks and remind them of palmier days before they were reincarnated in this marvelous form, days when they sat in college dorm rooms studying for their physics finals with a pillow tied around their ears because the guys down the hall were forming a ukelele quartet and they needed the practice. The bass uke, the baritone uke, the tenor uke, and the toy uke, all strumming along in stuttering unison 'The Maine Stein Song' while they tried to match the arrangement of Rudy Vallee and his Collegians spinning, spinnning, spinnning against the drag of the gramophone needle in the corner...
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mctrmt... Posted Mar 9, 2002
goodness...not much. i bought a 'learn to play' book so i could learn some chords, which i sort of did. i never did learn any uke classics (not even 'aloha oe'), and goodness knows i can't play anything by ear.
go to the mp3 site and look up a band called 'papel molido' and witness my fabulous shame.
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Mar 9, 2002
Ach! So you actually got recorded?
Sorry, having problems with my Windrows media delayer right now. It keeps messing up my registry!
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mctrmt... Posted Mar 10, 2002
'recorded'...yeah... no, we mixed our songs on a 4-track, distributed some tapes, and a friend posted it to mp3. it makes me so happy to hear the music... we were so bad, but had so much fun. i think i have improved. ha!
so tell me about your kid's trombone. do you ever jam together? i always wanted to play saxophone in the school band (but not enough to actually join up).
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Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Mar 10, 2002
No. She's not far enough along to improvise, she's louder than I usually play, and all I do is improvise.
I don't thing I've played a regular song for twenty years. I tried to learn 'Hotel California' once, but I liked what I did to it too much to learn to play it properly.
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- 1: Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume (Feb 25, 2002)
- 2: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Feb 26, 2002)
- 3: Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume (Feb 26, 2002)
- 4: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Feb 26, 2002)
- 5: Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume (Feb 26, 2002)
- 6: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Feb 26, 2002)
- 7: Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume (Feb 27, 2002)
- 8: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Feb 27, 2002)
- 9: Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume (Feb 27, 2002)
- 10: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Feb 27, 2002)
- 11: mctrmt... (Mar 1, 2002)
- 12: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 13: mctrmt... (Mar 1, 2002)
- 14: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Mar 9, 2002)
- 15: mctrmt... (Mar 9, 2002)
- 16: mctrmt... (Mar 9, 2002)
- 17: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Mar 9, 2002)
- 18: mctrmt... (Mar 10, 2002)
- 19: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Mar 10, 2002)
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