A Conversation for Life's Little Mysteries
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
Ancient Brit Started conversation Nov 2, 2010
Bel you may be old but I think that I am older.
Thanks for the link via a twitter direct email. Twitter is certainly interesting in that regard. No email addresses are revealed.
You made a distinction between the post team and the editors ( F18390178?thread=7848283#p102476087 )
Is it a coincidence that you are a pair of twitters?
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Nov 2, 2010
Oh, sorry, I should have said h2g2 editors, also called Italics.
There are two of them, Sam and Zelmo Zale (aka Chris).
They do the h2g2 Front Page, accept the guide entries in Peer Review etc.
We (Post Team) do the editing and preparing of articles submitted to us, create the A pages, do the archiving etc.
Let me know how you get on with twitter.
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
Ancient Brit Posted Nov 2, 2010
I'm in there trying to make sense of it but I am not impressed, it's all a bit confusing. Twitter and Facebook are given more prominence on BBC web pages than is h2g2.
It must be said however that this thread evolved out of Twitter because our link there provoked an email pointing me to 'Life's Little Mysteries' your h2g2 guide entry that puts twitter into perspective for h2g2 researchers.
DNA magic has to be the envy of other community sites, the BBC exploited it in some of their own community sites, I got into trouble when I was examining it in it's early stages. My interest in Twitter is in a similar vein to see if there are their any features that can be exploited to make life on h2g2 any easier.
The only way of provoking an email from the BBC is to make a naughty posting
I lurk to learn as a hobby, always the newbie.
I'll try tweeking a link to this conversation on @AncientBrit
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
Ancient Brit Posted Nov 4, 2010
I should have put this link A68627703 for 'Life's Little Mysteries' in the post above.
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Nov 4, 2010
I replied to you on twitter, but I still can't get into it.
Others live for Twitter, if their output is anything to go by, though.
Here is Rich's reply to my article: A69033828 (Life's little Mysteries - Solved)
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
Ancient Brit Posted Nov 4, 2010
As I see it Bel :- F17505674?thread=7859322&post=102674770#p102674770
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Nov 4, 2010
That's an interesting thought, AB. I'm trying to follow Twitter now and then, but I guess it only makes sense if you take actively part.
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
astrolog Posted Nov 7, 2010
Isn't there an 'er' that should be left out at the end of the post?
Key: Complain about this post
Good - I thought it was my age :-)
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