A Conversation for The Chocolate Milk and Cheesecake Followers` Cult

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Post 81

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

* funny face *

"very good marks" "Do i get the job." "no, ill vacanies have been filled a week ago"

Oh man, i love monty python!

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Post 82

Researcher 178815

smiley - biggrin
I love that sketch. What's your favourite?

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Post 83

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Either the spanish inquisition, the dead parrot, or.... funniest joke in the world.

"Tell me the joke!"
"Alright, how do you make a nazi cross"
"I don't know. How do you make a nazi cross?"
"Tread on his corns"
"German curse words (maybe)"

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Post 84

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

I know that my favorite is:

Don't know bout EvilClaw but I do know that he likes this one also...

If I were not in the CID,
There's something else I'd like to be,
If I were not in the CID,
A window washer I'd be,
With a rubadubdub,
and a scrubadubdub

If I were not in the CID,
There's something else I'd like to be,
If I were not in the CID,
A window washer I'd be,
With a rubadubdub,
and a scrubadubdub...

If I were not a judge you see,
There's something else I'd like to be,
If I were not a judge you see,
A engine driver I'd be,
With a chugachugachuga,
and a chuga...chuga...chuga...?
*walks back to jury booth...*

great sketch...speaking of which I'll get that video back to you tomarrow EvilClaw...If I can remember to rewind it in the morning...

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Post 85

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Oh yeah... thats a funny one. It involves the knight with the rubber chicken too.

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Post 86

Researcher 178815

*Doesn't know of that one*



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Post 87

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

it was the testimony of the late arthur aldrige. It also involved Cardinal Reichlau.

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Post 88

Arisztid Lugosi

hello i'd like to join the cult. i love chocolate milk and cheese cake! well i'm not sure what else i'm supposed to say. if i've missed anything let me know

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Post 89

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

if you knew that throwing smiley - choc milk in the face of a child would help the cause would you?

would you devour smiley - cheesecake to keep it from falling into the hands of the enemy?

would you serve an entire plane choc milk and smiley - cheesecake if there was one enemy onboard?


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Post 90

Arisztid Lugosi

erm... well those are quite serious questions, tough too.
1.yes, and i'm sure he wouldnt mind too much as it is chocolate milk.
2.definately, especially if it had whipped creme
3.well i'm not quite sure i read the question right but i would not serve either if there was one enemy on board. it would be a waste, assuming the enemy is someone who hates either delicious treat.

so..? can i join?

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Post 91

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

"very good marks" "Do i get the job." "no, all vacanies have been filled a week ago"...smiley - rofl...j/k...I supose you would...I know that the first two answers were right...the third was not an obvious answer...

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Post 92

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

YEP! Me!!!! I was on a TOTAL high (2 family blocks of chocolate between about 5 of us in 10mins on a scout camp) and I was laughing about the word 'fish' for over 3 hours (I laughed myself to sleep).

Anyways, we were at a scout camp and they have drop dunnies and I was waiting outside them for my friend when laughing got too much of me (I think I'd been laughing for about an hour at that stage) and I fell over twice form the laughing and just sort of rolled around on the ground.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl


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Post 93

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

...apearently the person in charge of maintaining this site has left H2G2...so it apears that no one is around to add any new members to the site...we gots a problem...

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Post 94

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Ahh yes... Well, isn't there some italics can change editor-ship to someone else? I'd be happy to do it if we can.

I'll go ask one of them, or a guru...


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Post 95

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

I asking the gurus.

smiley - ok

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Post 96

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?


if that fails or we can't do it, we could always set up shop somewhere else.


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Post 97

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

I also posted it at musehome... http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F52313?thread=440275 on the acheivments and anouncements page...

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Post 98

Arisztid Lugosi

soo.... could i be an unlisted member for now? or something allong those lines.....

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Post 99

SuperMoo: Now With Even More Online-ness

I don't see why not...

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Post 100

Arisztid Lugosi

ok i think i'll do that...

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