A Conversation for Profile:Clelba, the Amazing Flying Cat

Cybercat menace!

Post 1


So that's where Cybercat came from. It's obvious that Clelba has succeded at creating a Cybercat. There's one running loose at the Airforce thread!

smiley - fullmoon

Cybercat menace!

Post 2


hmm...i wasn't aware of having created an active cat...but i'm pleased you think i'm up to such a task smiley - biggrin
^. .^
= ' =

Cybercat menace!

Post 3


Well feline you have, and its causing a nuciance.

smiley - fullmoon

Cybercat menace!

Post 4


i'm not guilty, i tell you! not guilty!
smiley - tongueout
^. .^
= ' =

Cybercat menace!

Post 5


If you didn't create the Cybercat, who did?

smiley - fullmoon

Cybercat menace!

Post 6


hmm...good question...
some human, probly, trying to get in on the act smiley - tongueout
^. .^
= ' =

Cybercat menace!

Post 7


Yeah, probably. But it is too bigger coincidence that you wanted to create a cybercat and suddenly there's one running round all the dog threads.

Cybercat menace!

Post 8

Red (and a bit grey) Dog


Hmmmm - have they ever been seen on line together ? Does Cybercat look this this -> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/public_gallery_item.cgi?id=103462

Cybercat menace!

Post 9


She's on the computer next to me!
*Gets her with Pocket Curiositizer*

Cybercat menace!

Post 10

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

You might find these handy .....

*passes Smilodon some all purpose ACF classic goo aerosol spray and alabaster night vision goggles*

She won't be able to see you if you use the spray liberally and flip on your goggles smiley - ok

Cybercat menace!

Post 11


*Tries spray and dissappears instantly*
Thanx Sir, I'll use it with care.

Cybercat menace!

Post 12


smiley - huh
^. .^
= ' =

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