A Conversation for Harvey, the 6 Foot Tall Invisible Rabbit’s "Rock Era" Songs Tournament

Nope, youve got me here...

Post 41

Uncle Heavy [sic]

which CD? the one with all the dowloaded songs? employ someone to break his kneewcaps

Nope, youve got me here...

Post 42


He's in his forties I'll just wait for him to try to dance to the CD and break a hip!smiley - laugh

Nope, youve got me here...

Post 43

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yes...do that...then tell the fool that one doesnt dance to rock music

Nope, youve got me here...

Post 44


The winner of the first "Harvey's Rock Era Song Tournament" is...


"Jailhouse Rock"

Still the "King" after all these years!

It's been posted on the tournament page. But RL has gotten in the way of me contacting everyone who participated. I want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of the "Diamonds on the souls of my shoes" to the top of my "Bang your Head"!!!

Thanks so much!

What's that Harvey? Oh he says Elvis has left the building.smiley - biggrin

Nope, youve got me here...

Post 45

Uncle Heavy [sic]

match fixing eh?

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