A Conversation for Search Engine Poetry
Alternative Writing Workshop: A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
Martin Harper Started conversation Jan 21, 2002
darling - you must read the latest piece by google - simply marvellous!
A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
friendlywithteeth Posted Feb 12, 2003
I quite like this one...hmmm
[Is this a glitch? The eyes say that Lucinda is back ]
A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
a girl called Ben Posted Feb 12, 2003
Well, Lucinda has not left the building as such.
I am not sure if I like this or not. Search engines work less and less like this, and this entry has already dated a tad.
The entry is of course well written, witty, thoughtful, and in every way eminently suitable for the UG. I just don't warm to it much. Maybe it is because I am sometimes a poet, that I take the idea of pieces of 'found' poetry slightly jarring.
There was a young lady called Ben
Who wrote poems every now and again
Lucinda said meta-
tags are much better
Than anything you can do with your pen...
*tired and crotchety and heading for bed, now*
A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
Martin Harper Posted Feb 13, 2003
I come in from time to time to move my article across to wikipedia and suchlike.
A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
a girl called Ben Posted Feb 13, 2003
That's what I thought.
What do you feel about us reviving your stuff in AWW? I assume you are up to speed on the Underguide? (If you can be up to speed on something which does not exist, of course). But the entries which you have left here would be in the UG like a shot, (despite any personal whinges I may post in the threads).
There was a young lady called Ben
Who whinged every now and again.
But when she saw Lucinda
said "do you want to be in, Dear?
We will benefit much from your pen."
Sorry about the shite limeriks. I am *still* in rather a fey moood.
A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
Smudger879n Posted May 10, 2003
Shades of gray and darkening skies
Deep searching looks from empty eyes
No hope of a future not even a gleam
Not a ray of sunshine to be seen
Long dark roads that go on for miles
No sounds of laughter or even smiles
Just long dark days that came and went
To add to your feelings of discontent
Deep dark depressions with clouds of despair
That appear to follow you everywhere
Large open spaces with deep dark voids
Echoes of lonliness leaving a chilling noise
Sounds in the distance way back in your mind
Desparetely trying to recall a time
Of music and laughter from way back when
Will I ever recapture those days again.
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Alternative Writing Workshop: A683723 - Search Engine Poetry
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