A Conversation for Test for...weirdness?
Blue Wrench
Researcher 189895 Started conversation Feb 13, 2002
I thought of a Blue Wrench ... and this old joke:
A sailor came up to the tool crib and asked for a wrench.
"What size?"
"I don't care. Just a wrench."
"But you really need to tell me. What size."
"It really doesn't matter. Just a wrench."
"But you HAVE to have the right size."
"No, really, it doesn't matter. I'm going to use it as a hammer anyway."
Blue Wrench
Evangeline Posted Feb 17, 2002
I like the joke. But, I thought of a tool: wrench(wrench colored of course). Then a color: purple(not wrench shaped). Not a purple wrench What does that mean
Blue Wrench
...Shrillian... Posted Mar 20, 2002
I thought of a blue wrench too!! How bizarre....
I sat there, and then the screen yelled at me to quickly think of a tool and a colour, and i promptly yelled back "a wrench, and blue!!" Needless to say, my fellow users in the IT lab were intrigued by my sudden outburst.
Interesting to see others thought the same thing. I wonder how insane that makes me??
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Blue Wrench
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