A Conversation for Test for...weirdness?

Green wrench

Post 1

Jeff - Lurker <lurk> - nostalgia overload!

...or spanner, I believe, for everyone not on this side of the big pond.

I suppose that test put me in my place smiley - winkeye

smiley - peacedove

Green wrench

Post 2

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

The truly weird thing is that you told the truth.

Green wrench

Post 3

Jeff - Lurker <lurk> - nostalgia overload!

Ah, good point.

Very smiley - weird indeed!

smiley - peacedove

Green wrench

Post 4

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

(rapping on nearest hard surface with a bent Spaniard)
And don't let it 'appen agin!

smiley - sharksmiley - burger

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