Fans of Villainy, (or at least Monty Python) Unite!

10 Conversations


You have reached the page for those who admire villainy in all forms of literature. (If you can think of a better name for this Exclusive club, feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of the page.)

Who can join?

Anyone who has ever watched a movie or read a book (not neccessarily by Shakespere) and wanted the bad guys to win.

Why should I join?

You can put a nifty little tag at the end of your username, and you might actually get involved in a meaningful discussion.

Can I join if I have never rooted for the bad guys?

Sure, why not? We won't have any strict membership criterion until we get some members.

How can I join?

Simply leave a reply saying that you want to join, and I'll get right back to you.


We are united in a single purpose: to create a comprehensive list of all villains from every piece of literature on the planet. As the list is constantly growing, and we have a backlog of several million works, it may take some time (approx. 13,000 Earth years) to complete this task. However, it is a noble calling, and many a hero will arise from the struggle. Join the Battle Today!
Michel de Montaigne pictured on a scroll next to a quill

The Founding Five:


Position/Comments: Patriarch and Founding Father


Position/Comments: Shylock - "Someone owes me a pound of flesh, I will get it by fair means or foul."


Position/Comments: Cassio, the Intelligent and Charismatic Manipulator
Who Just Got Hit by a Streak of Lousy Luck During a Perfectly Normal Coup Which Would Have Benefited the
People but Unfortunately Resulted in a Big War and His Death, and All Because of that Jerk Mark Antony and His Wench, Cleopatra.

The Shee

Position/Comments: Claudius *mutters* Everything would would have been fine if Duncan wasn't my illegitimate papa...

Angel of Hatred

Position/Comments: Macbeth - "I am Macbeth, that crazy scottish dude who believes in witches, is so whipped by his wife that he kills his buddies, who goes insane which is soon followed by his wife's suicide which brings Macbeth to the intelligence level of a chimp, bringing him to challenge over a thousand drunken and war-hungry Scots in kilts with claymores. Thus, he loses his head, literally. I happily join the league of Shakespeare villainry with great pride... as long as don't try to take my throne."

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