The Sporadic Diary of a University Fresher
Created | Updated Jan 25, 2006

For those of you who haven't come across me before, I'm a fresher1 at the University of York in the UK, reading history. I thought some of the hootoo community might be interested to hear what life's like here, whether for nostalgia or any other reason. So read on...
Freshers' Week
Yes, Freshers' Week, that period of drunkenness and debauchery. I was pretty nervous in the car on the way up to York, but we stopped in to visit my twin brother, who'd already been at Sheffield University for three weeks or so, and it calmed the nerves! On arrival, I picked up my keys, unpacked my stuff, said goodbye to my parents and got talking to my corridor-mates. That evening my college (York is a collegiate university, though not to the same extent as Oxbridge) put on bar games, which were a bit rubbish to be honest. Over the rest of the week, we had to complete admin tasks like registering for our courses and the National Union of Students, as well as any clubs we wanted to join; academic tasks included briefing meetings.
But what you really want to know is what happened in the evenings. Early on we had a bar crawl around York, followed by Toffs, a popular student nightclub. That was a fun night! At the end of the week we had Fresh, a huge event for all the freshers held at York Racecourse. We saw the Bodyrockers and Bradley McIntosh, formerly of S Club. No one knew his solo stuff, but when he played the S Club song 'S Club Party', everyone went mad! Scott Mills from Radio One also did a DJ set and played some good songs. We then had to wait outside in the spitting rain for an hour for a coach! On the final day of the week was comedy night, which was very entertaining.
So far
I've settled in quickly and I've even been cooking for myself! My classes are interesting but I have a lot of reading to do — just as well, since I only have five hours of contact time per week! I am lucky in that my college is the most conveniently located for pretty much everything, and the rooms are fairly good compared to one of the other colleges where the internal walls are just painted brieze blocks. I've joined the badminton and fencing clubs and played badminton for my college last week. I'm not very good though and my partner and I lost all our games! Ooops! I've also helped plant a hedgerow in some ancient common land — muddy work. More recently was a Halloween party where I saw some interesting costumes: someone dressed as the Tardis from Doctor Who, and someone dressed as Bananaman. Not exactly traditional Halloween staples, but each to their own.
I also had an interesting experience on h2g2. sigsfried posted to my space saying that he'd seen I was at York, as was he, and did I want to meet up? I was wary of meeting someone I knew nothing about, so we starting chatting on my PS – it turned out he was on the floor under me and we'd already met!
Anyway, that's it for now, but look out for more articles as and when I have anything to report!
The Sporadic Diary of a University Fresher Archive