A Conversation for Rammstein - The Band

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 1


This entry can be found at

It is written by myself, and covers describes the band's style and lyrics. Common misconceptions of Rammstein are discussed, also.

And I think the entry is very good, so go ahead and recommend it smiley - smiley


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 2



The link in the above posting does not seem to work, so maybe this one is better?


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 3


Go to my personal space and click the link "Thatcher and a rabbit" for a brief snatch of Rammstein.

smiley - cheers


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 4


Go to my personal space and click the link "Thatcher and a rabbit" for a brief snatch of Rammstein.

smiley - cheers


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 5


Nice one, Hoovooloo, but do you have any cooments on the entry?


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 6

You can call me TC

Well done, Yelbakk.

The band have always fascinated me, too, but they are not often heard in the popular media, so I only know a couple of the more popular songs and videoclips. I wouldn't go out of my way to actually find out about them, but this was a good way to do so.

So - what comments?

1. The few spelling mistakes should be ironed out by the subed. The English is otherwise almost perfect.

2. You could explain a little more about the connotations of being left- and right-wing in Germany. It may not be clear to outsiders quite how important this is in the particular case of Germany. Especially Eastern Germany. (How you can do this, without it turning into something of university project size, I don't know.)

3. A note on the phonetics of names like "Flake" might help (Is it pronounced the German way or the English way? Flayk or Flarker?)

4. A translation of "Rammstein" - as well as the allusion to the town of Ramstein - could also be included in the introduction. It is very suited to the band. "Rammen" is "to ram" - so it should make sense to English readers, but non-German speakers may not recognise the word as being made up of "Ramm..." and ."...stein".

5. As far as I know, the bass player is not called "bassist" in English.

6. to explain why "Du hast mich" could be heard as "you hate me", you could put the German "Du hasst mich" in for comparison.

7. the second-last paragraph, the one about the albums, seems rather rushed and could contain more detail about the albums themselves, and how the style changed and developed in the later albums. If you compare to other entries on artists from any genre, you will find that there is usually a detailed discography. This entry is about the band, Rammstein, I realise, but what would the band be without their music?

I, for one, am now curious to find out more.

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 7


I go with TC: Well Done!!!

Although I do not like Rammstein's music very much, personally, I think your entry is a good one. I think it makes people like me, who know the name of the Band but do not like their music, get a pretty neutral and informative view. It cleans up with some prejudices (left and right wing political things...)!

smiley - ok Yelbakk,


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 8


Hi, y'all.

Thanks for the encouraging comments, I am working on it.


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 9

a girl called Ben

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 10


Hi all
just wanted to let you know that the update will be there pretty soon. However, I got myself a bed case of a cold; now I sound like Rammstein, myself. (And if I told you what I keep caoughing up, I'd REALLY sound like 'em...) But once I recovered from that, I'll be back and writing. So hang on.

Happy New Year (if belatedly)


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 11

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Damn! I thought that I might go and display some of my (limited) knowledge of DDR-Bands like Die Art or Sandow by throwing in that a number of the Ramstein mob are ex-Feeling B... You beat me to it smiley - smileysmiley - ok

I like the entry! Nothing to add, really... maybe a word about the extensive pyrotechnics at the concerts?


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 12

Tube - the being being back for the time being

PS: You might want to add that having a song in David Lynch's "Lost Highway" Soundtrack ("Heirate Mich" if I recall correctly) gave them an additional boost esp. overseas...

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 13

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Apart from a few typos (guitarrs -> guitars, enterd -> entered, mercey -> mercy, surprizing -> surprising) there's nothing wrong with your entry, Yelbakk.

(I visited their website too, but they are relying on a Flash plugin - sorry, I won't install that piece)

smiley - ok

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 14


A fine piece of work, Yelbakk! I've heard that 'Du hast...' song in a rock club in my home city in England, and wondered who it was by. Now I don't need to ask the DJ! But, although you've talked about that song at some length in the Entry, you haven't told us its title. Could you do so?

A couple of minor points of English usage: there isn't really such a word as 'keyboarder' - the English expression is 'keyboard player'. In discussing politics, we don't talk of someone being 'left winged' or 'right winged'. But you can describe something or someone as being 'left-wing' or 'right-wing', and you can call a person a 'left-winger' or a 'right-winger'.

I wasn't quite sure what you meant by the first sentence in the 'Inside Story' section: 'When asked how the band started, this is the story the band members would tell.' That seems to suggest that they weren't telling the truth! Was that what you intended?

Anyway, well done. I'm sure this Entry will make it into the Edited Guide! smiley - ok

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 15

Tube - the being being back for the time being

I'm fairly sure that the song is called "Du hast". smiley - smiley

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 16


Oh, how could I forget to say a bit about the Lost Highway movie. Well, that mistake of mine has been corrected. So have the typos you all were kind enough to find (in the US, they really use surpize, rather than surprise, but I changed it anyway, what with the BBC being BBC and not ABC smiley - winkeye.)

I will also add a discography, but this will ahve to wait a couple of days, as I am on my way out to have some abominable LUTEFISK. Those in the know will pitty me.


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 17

the Shee

Psst--Yelbakk--we don't smiley - winkeye. Surprise=surprise, everywhere on the English-speaking globe, I believe... smiley - biggrin

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 18


Well, if that is the case, I shall have to go down to my professors and ask them to lower my grades (AND their salary) - I have always used the 'z', and NO ONE seemed to worry. Oh well, maybe that's just a case of God Bless America smiley - winkeye


A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 19

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Rather, "God Blezz America"? smiley - winkeye

A671762 - Rammstein - The Band

Post 20

the Shee

*laughs at Tube's comment*

It's okay; you've still done a much better job in English than I could hope to do in German... smiley - biggrin

I like the entry, by the way; it was great.

smiley - peacesign

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