A Conversation for Brotherly Love or Sibling Rivalry?

My borther, the magnet....

Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I have a borther 11 and half months younger than I.
He did not see my daughter until she was six.
He has not seen her since.
I do not have a criminal record.
He's been in jail, been fined for exactly the same offense two years apart, been on probation.
He's been kicked out of places and people have changed their phone numbers.
My mother and Stepfather treated us as a unit. Dressed us alike.
This got a little strange when we were twelve and thirteen because I was almost a foot taller.
He looks a lot like me. People have mistaken us for each other.
I'm right-handed. He's left handed.
I've been married for twelve years. I've had two long-term girlfriends.
He has always lived alone with the exceptions of when it was a communal thing or he was living with a friend's family. I do not know of a single female that he has ever been involved with although he has a collection of photographs he's gathered over the years.
When we did live together we fought, fought, fought. He hated being at the same school with me or having the same teachers a year after me. He hated hearing about me or being asked about me. He hated my knowing the same people. Or working for the same people (which only happened once and I was there first).

to be continued....

smiley - sharksmiley - burger

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My borther, the magnet....

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