A Conversation for Brotherly Love or Sibling Rivalry?

Big Sister

Post 1

Metal Chicken

I'm the younger of us two sisters by nearly 4 years. Nowadays we get on really well and the difference isn't relevant - when we were kids things were very different. Major bouts of sibling rivalry throughout schooldays as I aimed to match or exceed her exam results. I remember her as constantly teasing me, arguing with me, trying to get away from me when I followed her around as little sisters do. We did play together sometimes .... when there was no other option. My favourite game at age 4 or 5 was to play at being mountaineers, I'd tie a rope between us, then send her to climb up the coal bunker first. She still brings this up as 'why did I always have to go first'. Well she's the eldest, that's her job!


Post 2

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