Brotherly Love or Sibling Rivalry?

18 Conversations

Groucho - Don't you love your brother? (meaning Harpo)

Chico - Nah, I'm just used to him.
- from the film Go West

Being a child can be difficult enough without siblings. If they are younger than you, they hang round and cramp your style. If they are older, you get all their hand-me-downs and they tease you unmercifully. When you look at other families, however, their children seem to be best friends.

Now is the time to tell us all about your brothers and sisters. Did you get on with them when you were young and do you get on well with them now? Did they play horrible tricks on you or did you make their lives hell? As you grew older, did sibling rivalry become more intense? Did you go up to visit them at university and humiliate them in front of all their friends? Or have they been a source of strength for you throughout the best and worst of times?

With Christmas just around the corner, we want to know whether you will be filled with the festive spirit or will be saying 'Bah, humbug!' to your siblings. Why not give us your thoughts on any or all of the following?

  • If you grew up alone, do you wish your parents had had more children?

  • Are your sisters and brothers your best mates or your worst enemies?

  • What is the nicest thing that you have done for them or vice versa?

  • Did they make your childhood idyllic or a living nightmare?

  • Did your parents favour one child over the rest of pack?

  • If you are all grown up are you still close or do you rarely see them?

  • Do you have step-siblings and if so, do you consider them to be brothers and sisters, too?

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