Talking Point: Up Your Street

11 Conversations

A picture of the street sign for Brick Lane in the East End of London.
Our house was our castle and our keep

Our house, in the middle of our street

Our house, that was where we used to sleep

- Madness, 'Our House'

Most of us remember the first house or street we lived in.

And as time passes, as you encounter different abodes and neighbourhoods, nostalgic thoughts kick in and the memories become more vivid. The battered front door, the flock wallpaper in the front room, that squeaky floorboard on the landing and the unidentified stain on the bathroom ceiling. It all adds up to a comforting and fondly remembered fug. And that's just inside the house.

This week we'd like you to share your memories of the places you grew up in.

  • What are the abiding memories you have of the first house you lived in - the sights, the sounds, the smells1, the local kids, the local hang-outs, the girl or boy next door. Are they all good memories?

  • What was the street you grew up on like? Do you think it would have changed much since you were there last? Would you recognise it now?

  • Or maybe you still live there. Much is made in our culture of spreading our wings and moving away, but did you put your roots down in the neighbourhood you grew up in? And if so, what made you stay?

  • Or is all this reminiscing a waste of time? Are you much happier where you are now, and are any thoughts about the old neighbourhood just sentimental claptrap?

Over to you...

1Within reason.

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