A Conversation for Welcome to Monster University
could i join?
ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased. Posted Jan 3, 2003
Do you want to teach, or earn a degree?
Most of the teachers are not on line often. Friendlywithteeth and Dragonfly are the easiest to reach.
could i join?
ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased. Posted Jan 3, 2003
I see a lot of Mystrunner around, too. Best course of action is to go to their page and start a conversation with them if you want to study under them.
As a werewolf, you might be able to teach something. When you make up your mind, let us know. Teachers can give out degrees up to bachelor. Then I guess it's up to dragonfly and bluebottle to hand out a masters.
If you've made any guided entries, they can earn you an associate degree.
could i join?
ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased. Posted Jan 5, 2003
How about "Associate Professor of Lycanthropic Studies"?
Intailed are one or more of the following
*research and post any myths involved in becoming or curing werewolfism
*include a grooming guide
"I saw Lon Chaney walking with the queen...
...his hair was perfect" Werewolves of London
*Anything you'd like to add
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could i join?
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