A Conversation for Welcome to Monster University
Bachelor of Literature Finals
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Started conversation May 27, 2002
Esteemed members of the Academy....
I would like to nominate Otto's Monster for a Degree in Literature. Otto's monster is humanoid, about eight foot tall, light blue skin with red go-faster stripes, and purple eyes. Otto's Monster has clawed feet, but lovely delicate hands. Otto's monster likes long novels, clever films, and sweet and sout terrier. Otto's Monster exists so that stupid people can confuse Otto's Monster with Otto (the creator) and pedants can make themselves feel clever by smugly pointing this out.
I humbly submit the following portfolio of qualifications:
Conversation threads:
F19585?thread=186193&latest=1 Music - cover versions
F19585?thread=185409 Literature - all tine top fives!
Peer reveiew comments on entries
F48874?thread=178046&latest=1 Canadian Literature!
F87597?thread=180117&latest=1 Music - sort of!
F88113?thread=178388&latest=1 Blur!
(Soon to be)Edited Entry
F89294?thread=182126&latest=1 Tintin - Belgian literature!
Best wishes
Bachelor of Literature Finals
Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine Posted May 31, 2002
Certainly, Sir. Anyone who writes an entry about Tintin deserves a degree from our hallowed institution.
Bachelor of Literature Finals
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Posted May 31, 2002
MOST impressive!!!
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Bachelor of Literature Finals
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