A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group


Post 41

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Really? And I was thinking it was because they couldn't afford the extras to walk up and down the corridors.smiley - smiley


Post 42

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

The 'Very strange man in Glasgow' line refering to Torchwood 3 reminded me of the 'A very strange man he is too' / 'Eccentric solicitor in Drewey Lane' line about the Trion agent on Earth responsible for keeping Turlough at the school in Mawdyn Undead - it's possible that's all the line was, a very geeky nod to the past.

smiley - ale


Post 43


I have not seen the episode yet but have read this comments a number of times (without spoilers which was excellent!). Also, a non-geek friend said exactly the same thing just after mentioning the camera work.

Therefore, from an, as yet, impartial observer it does seem to be a valid point.


Post 44

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Could be worse Kerr, at least nobody referred to meeting 'some bloke called the dentist'.


Post 45

F F Churchton

"But look at what has happened since - there's a whacking great spaceship parked itself over London at Christmas. There's a third of the population of the entire world walked to the edge of suicide. There's the Prime Minister of Britain gone on national television and talked about the alien threat. There's a sodding great ray gun fired out of the middle of London and destroyed a spaceship in flight. There's been a Cyberman in every home, and a million Daleks flying over London"

...and that's just the last two years nevermind the last forty odd!


Post 46

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Please don't refer to it as TW3 - I'll be expecting David Frost and co. to be wandering around in the background! smiley - smiley


Post 47

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

>The 'Very strange man in Glasgow' line refering to Torchwood 3 reminded me of the 'A very strange man he is too' / 'Eccentric solicitor in Drewey Lane' line about the Trion agent on Earth responsible for keeping Turlough at the school in Mawdyn Undead<

In the name of Bod woman, stop advertising the fact that your real name is Anne R. Rak!

Suffice it to say i suspect you are the only person i know who was reminded of that line.

smiley - shark


Post 48


I enjoyed it for what it was - entertainment!


Post 49



I wondered why he didn't mention the Torchwood in the big old (werewolf infested) house in Scotland. 'An office in Glasgow' is presumably not the same place? The original one created by Queen Victoria didn't seem to be in his list of four.

Also, has Capt Jack lost any of his invincibleness now he's snogged the girl and transferred some of Rose's LightPower to her? And will this come as a shock to him next time he gets shot?

Julessmiley - smiley


Post 50


There presumably isn't an actual Torchwood office there. In fact, didn't the guy's wife say she was going to demolish the place? The organisation is named after the place, it isn't based there...



Post 51


Oh yes, she did. smiley - doh

Thanks, SoRB.

I do try to keep up but this techie stuff is new to me smiley - winkeye


Post 52


Given that Queen Vicky also banished the Doctor from the realm and said that torchwood would be on the lookout for him, I thought after that episode that Torchwood would be a kind of human BNP, ie Aliens OUT! type stuff and a particular dislike for the Doctor. 'Cept so far they either don't know hwo he is (Torchwood in the blackhole/devil episodes), used to be friends with him (Cept Jack) or actively seeking him out to solve their problemns (Cybermen episode).

They seem to have forgotten that bit. Or maybe I just remembered it incorrectly.


Post 53

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Lesson 2 of government organizations - they never *quite* end up doing what they were set up for.

smiley - shark


Post 54

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Paully (late of this parish) came up with an interesting theory.

In the parallel Earth that the Cybus Industries Cybermen came from, there's a Torchwood. Now in that dimension, there are no Time Lords, no Doctor and Rose to annoy Queen Victoria and no reason for Torchwood to exist. That Queen Victoria was bitten by a werewolf, the monarchy deid out and were replaced by a Republic.

So, how does the parallel Earth Torchwood come into being?

Well, Jack tells us that one of the Torchwoods went missing. Might it have been drawn into the parallel Earth?

As for why Gwen and others don't treat the alien invasions as real, well there are enough conspiracy theorists arguing that the moon landings were faked. It's improbable, but the cynicism that runs through modern society could quite easily be swayed by the powers that be to influence opinion and discredit the witnesses. Elton manages to retain his memories of these alien invasions, where it's quite clear by the way he acts like a conspiracy theorist that everyone else around him somehow manages to dismiss it all as an illusion.

If Harriet Jones was deposed, the new government could put her Christmas Day speech down to her being 'tired' and susceptible to the terrorist drugs that were put into the water supply.

Plus, set in Cardiff, there's bound to be a gulf of difference between local news and reports from 'that there London'.

As for the big wheelie thing coming from DS9, that's funny. But where did DS9 get it from, I wonder... they had doors like that in 'Trial of a Timelord', y'know...


Post 55

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

I know this is more of a Who? question than Torchwood, but if Queen Vic banished The Doctor forever, how come UNIT were so pleased to look after him in the Pertwee days?


Post 56

Smij - Formerly Jimster

That's how time works. Back then, he wasn't banished, but from the Tenth Doctor's time onwards, he was.

One thing about that - the Queen banishes the Doctor largely because of Rose's giggling and taking the grave situation too lightly. Her punishment isn't really enforced until the end of the season, when the actions of Torchwood result in Rose being banished to the parallel Earth.

As the God-appointed head of the British Empire, Queen Victoria's powers were clearly far-reaching.

smiley - yikes


Post 57

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

'As for the big wheelie thing coming from DS9, that's funny. But where did DS9 get it from, I wonder'

From the Cardassian's


Post 58

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

The Cardassian's what?

smiley - ale


Post 59

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I can't believe that an SF standard such as a round door that rolls aside (copyright anything made after 1925) is exciting such interest.

Though I did get a cheap laugh from KA's post.

smiley - shark


Post 60

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences


Always happy to oblige, me.

smiley - ale

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