Dutch Sheep Galore!

1 Conversation

So what, exactly, do sheep have to do with the Dutch Meet you may ask?

The answer is very little!

Left to right: Freggel, Bossel (behind him Lighthousegirl and Arutha), Peta, Marijn, Don Alfredo, Xanatic, Mark, Shazz, Kheldar and Abi


Thursday dawned later than normal for me as I, as usual, spent far too much time dawdling over The Post and then checked on a few fora into the early hours. Six o'clock came around soon enough and TM and I made our way to the train station to pick up Pierce the smiley - pirate.

We were resposible for running the small bar at Het Kasteel that night, so TM shot off to open up whilst I tried to make Pierce at home and fed him up after his nine hour journey. Then we walked to the bar and I introduced Pierce to most of the 'Dutch Contingency' who were already in attendance. Suffice it to say, as with most Thursday nights at the bar, a good few drinks were sunk and a good time was had by all. The pre-pre Meet had gone well!


We all managed to avoid most of Friday morning, although I felt guilty when Pierce told me he always woke up around 5am. Would he survive the course?

The rather prolonged stream of visitors started to dribble in. First Marijn, who had kindly offered a taxi service from Schiphol airport, arrived from Amsterdam with Bossel in tow. TM and I had met Bossel, fresh in from Germany, at the last London Meet, but it was good to welcome another Dutch Researcher to the fold. Then TM disappeared to Schiphol, coming back an hour or so later with Mark, Peta and Abi. Meanwhile Kheldar, who had fetched Pheloxi from the station, Arutha and Don Alfredo also descended on the house, Kheldar popping off to fetch Lighthousegirl an hour later.

After all the introductions were made and hospitality offered including the now infamous herrings with onions on melba toast, everyone finally found the legs to go to Het Kasteel for a rip-roaring evening with Wipneus en Pim. One small blot on the proceedings was the failure of Xanatic to actually be on the last bus from Amsterdam. Imagine our relief when he turned up and tapped Abi on the arm later in the evening. The pre-meet was completed by seeing Don Vito, ClownMCP and Freggel already partying.


Left to right: Don Alfredo, Marijn, Arutha, Kheldar, Bossel, Mark, Freggel, Lighthousegirl, Abi

On to Saturday! I don't think I have ever made so many pots of coffee and slices of buttered toast. Another basically lazy day with a few insisting that a walk outside was required to clear the cobwebs... and alcohol. Off we trundled and chatted about all sorts of subjects. One which cropped up was the suggestion made by Titania that we all imitate an emoticon to have our picture taken. Just then a convenient flock of sheep started following us along the route. What better than to pose for the smiley - sheep smiley? A little further along we found some brown-coloured ones... just like smiley - choc I thought although Lighthousegirl thought more like smiley - cappuccino. They certainly took a shine to us as they followed us for a good while until we veered off across the golf course which, apparently, is built on toxic waste. This led to a handy place to rest and recouperate... and eat a few chips and have a beer... or two.

Once home Don Alfredo rushed to Schiphol for the final pick-up shift; to fetch Mina and BluesShark. With them safely home it was pizza or other delights all round and then off to various venues... either the Jazz Festival or Kasteel once more. At 1 am we summoned a couple of taxi's from the jazz night, said goodbye to those who were not returning with us and hit Kasteel for another long night of festivities. Try as she might, Mina just couldn't get Xanatic to move, let alone dance and Pheloxi was dead on his feet. I think everyone enjoyed themselves though.


Sunday dawned and everyone crept back to drink yet more coffee. Farewells were said and h2g2ers departed for their various venues; some to the airport, some for a visit to Amsterdam. TM, Pierce and I just collapsed in front of the television or computer screen and did as little as possible.


After a comparitively early night Pierce and I were up bright and refreshed in time for his taxi to take him to the station. TM slumbered on rather later!

To see more Photographs go to Dutch Meet 2001


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