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The Cyber-virus

Post 61


"Send a resistance squad to guard the main enterance. Dispatch further troops into the surrounding area. They have orders to shoot to kill," Krail barked, "oh and deploy the energy barrier that shields our dome."
Astrak's hands played over her computer console. "Resistance squad dispatched," she said matter-of-factly, "but they've broken through our barrier!"
"Through a quantity of the Venn Nagri Virus. The barrier is composed of metallic compounds that are reacting to the virus."
All around them, the shouts and crackling laser fire of the approaching rebels came through the exterior listening devices, used to observe noises outside the dome. This was met by the roars and exploding laser shots of the resistance troops.

customers eh?

Post 62

Thadil Doeman

over 17 years, i have encountered and sometimes suffered these people,
dog boy, honey monster, gobby, brian the xxxx, johnny boy, job's a good un, carl, niq, paddington, wiggy,
many more to come.

Story Title goes here

Post 63


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