A Conversation for Guest Stories

All Stories Welcome

Post 1


It doesn't matter what your story is about or how well written it is, just write it down and post it here and it will be included in the h2g2 post.


Story Title goes here

Post 2


Type your story here...


Post 3

Frankie Roberto

Once upon a time...
...I woke up.
smiley - bat

The Cyber-virus

Post 4



The little planet resembled the moon as its broad sweeping plains were dry, scarred, ravaged. Here and there were deep crater marks and crevasses that ate into the rocky crust. Nothing grew, nothing lived. The air was foggy, clouded and choked by carbon dioxide.
However, despite this oxygen-less atmosphere, humans lived on this dry and barren world. Sheltered from the suffocating air and dust-filled ground by large habitation domes - each several miles across and containing a vast network of water pipes that counteracted the lack of water in the soil - humans went about doing the same kind of jobs as on Earth.
Chief Scientific Researcher Krail stood admiring the habitation dome where he lived and worked. He was a tall, lean man who wore the typical black leather uniform of all the scientists on this planet. He had a stern, sergeant-majorish face with cold dark eyes, flattened nose, thin lips curled in constant suspicion, and a bull neck that sloped down into massive shoulders and a bloated belly. His arms and legs were fat and bulky.

The Cyber-virus

Post 5


'Ah, this time torrow,' Krail thought to himself, 'a new era shall be born. We shall become invincible.'
He passed through several induvidual laboratories in the dome, where scientists like himself sat working away on complex bits of metal and plastic. Electrical wires were plugged in by technicians who wore the radiation-proof dull grey suits of Earth technicians.

The Cyber-virus

Post 6


As he passed through the intricate web of laboratories, Krail stopped by a number of upright coffin-shaped alcolves with computer-controlled surgical instruments attached by wires snaking out of it. In the second alcolve, a single person in a flowing brown robe stood motionless, his eyes closed, seemingly asleep.
'Cryogenic suspension,' Krail told himself.
As he watched, a computerized scalpel dropped down and sunk itself into the person's arm. The person made no reaction. As the blade cut deeper and deeper, slicing the person's arm from his shoulder, Krail moved forward and parted the dark robe. A steel leg glinted in the fierce light, and as the robe folded back on itself it was revealed that the person's body was half-plastic, half-steel!
Gently stroking the metal and plastic chest, Krail spoke softly to the person, even though he knew that the person could not hear him.
'A new era...a new era. You my friend, like many others of us, will become one of the Cybermen. The perfect invincible race.' As he left the alcolves, a steel arm with fully hinged wrist, fingers and elbow dropped down and began attaching itself to the person's blood-less stump of a shoulder.

The Cyber-virus

Post 7



The TARDIS Cloister Bell issued a low, throbbing chant through the multi-roomed interior of the time machine, which had the exterior of a blue police box. Its deep booming signal reached the ears of a very concerned Doctor.
The Doctor was a short, scruffy man with comical features and a heavily-lined face. He wore a brown jacket, question-marked pullover, green check trousers. A pork pie hat was jammed haphazardly on his wispy brown hair. He paced around the hexagonal control console with heavy suspicions.
A girl entered the control room, brushing her baggy black leather coat which was littered with badges and logos. She had a pretty face with long brown hair dangling on her shoulders. Her name was Ace. She noticed the Doctor's face frowning in thought.
She had also noticed the head-aching persistant droning coming from somewhere, which annoyed her tremendously. 'What's that noise, Doctor?' she said agitatedly.
'The Cloister Bell. It's a type of emergency alarm,' the Doctor replied. 'It means...'
Ace guessed what he was going to say. 'It means that trouble's just around the corner.'
The Doctor nodded.

Back on the little planet, Senior Technician Astrak was monitoring the person's completed cybernetic transformation. As she catalogued his cybernetic procedure on her computer, the person entered.
This was one of the first Cybermen. Over seven foot tall, with a silvery plastic tunic covering his half-plastic, half-metal body, he walked on stiff steel legs and only swung his metallic arms because his still-human hands were pendula. A heavy lamp device was fixed to his head. A grey cloth mask covered his face - made terrifying by its black eyeholes, no nose and constantly open mouth - and a flashing control module was attached to his chest. Soon, every other person on this planet would be just like him.
'Ah, there you are B'Lok,' Astrak said without looking up.
His voice was strangely disjointed and high-pitched, like a human voice filtered through some mechanical means. 'I am to under...stand that Krail... is to be cybernetically altered also.'
'Yes. He will be one of the last to be altered. He is our great Cyberleader.'

The Cyber-virus

Post 8


B'Lok was unhappy, which was unusual for him as his human brain had been replaced by a computer. He wasn't supposed to have emotional feelings - he was supposed to think purely by logic and understand that he was just one of many Cybermen who obeyed their leader without question.
But B'Lok and Krail were old enemies.
Astrak couldn't remember why. She just knew that whatever Krail or B'Lok achieved, one would try to ruin it for the other. It had been like that for years. Krail had only become Chief Scientific Researcher by sending B'Lok on a three-week long science programme.
'Krail can...not be our leader. He lacks leadership...skills. I should...be leader,' B'Lok droned.
'Well, maybe he won't, maybe I'm only guessin',' Astrak said uneasily. 'Just think nothing of it. Your not supposed to think anything illogical.'
But even as she spoke, a tiny part of B'Lok's still-human brain which hadn't been computerized began plotting a scheme of revenge.

The Doctor was dashing round and round the console, frantically stabbing buttons, whacking switches on and hammering in-put keys in desperation.
Since Ace had realised the function and the importance of the Cloister Bell, things had got worse. The TARDIS had repeatadly spun wildly out of control, the control console had played dead, and the Doctor kept on muttering something about the power of the TARDIS being drained away.

The Cyber-virus

Post 9


'Doctor, wha...what's going on?' Ace murmured.
Still dashing around like a mouse trapped in a cage, the Doctor answered, 'The power of the TARDIS is being removed by some hostile force.' He paused, catching his breath and thinking hard. 'Whatever it is, it is very big and very dangerous. I've got to trace its source. Otherwise the TARDIS might end up with absolutely no power at all.'
Tapping more in-put keys, he didn't notice Ace's shocked look when he mentioned the TARDIS losing complete power. But he looked up at her, and a cheery grin creased his cheeks.
'Don't worry, Ace. We can survive for quite a while yet. Ah!'
A scanner screen on the far wall of the control room opened its shutter, revealing the blackness of space. A second later a huge planet emerged: grey and rocky, with crater-marks appearing on its rough surface. Ace saw the Doctor's face narrow in concern. She had seen that look before. It meant something bad.
'It's the moon,' she said spiritedly, feeling a good deal more afraid than she wanted to feel.
The Doctor's concerned face crumpled into sudden hatred. 'That's no moon, that's Mondas. Planet of the Cybermen.'

The Cyber-virus

Post 10



Many miles from the habitation domes on the planet Mondas, in heavily crater-marked areas known as the Kyrik Circles, in scattered communities lived gangs of rebels who opposed the law that all Mondasians had to be cybernetically converted into Cybermen. Living like hermits and wearing animal skins, they had attacked the Scientific Habitation Dome (where most cybernetic transformations took place) on several occasions. Reports from Earth humans compared them to...what where they called... animal rights protestors? Only these were more like human rights protestors.
The central rebel gang was led by a particularly fanatic rebel called Sy Monn. Sy Monn was cold and sinister. He didn't care what he attacked or who he attacked. He just knew that all other Mondasians were his enemies. He was so cold and evil that he had gained the nickname "Monn the Bloody." Armed with a powerful laser rifle etched with the word "Justice", he led the rebels on all their attacks against Krail and his subordinates, assisted by his deputy Biroc.
Sy Monn was tall and slim, with an agile frame that was capable of swift and sudden attacks, with furry bearskins wrapped around him like a cloak. When he spread this cloak he looked like a giant brown bat. His face was hidden beneath a head-mask that was completely black except for a few white streaks like lightning. His laser rifle was holstered on a black leather belt around his middle. As the Mondasians continued with their cybernetic transformations, Sy Monn planned a big and devastating attack that would knock the Mondasians back into the dust. Not with his rebels though, but with a virus...

BEELEEP! BEELEEP! BEELEEP! The alarm signal rang shrilly through the Scientific Habitation Dome, sending technicians and scientists running in all directions and seeking their induvidual computer consoles to assess what the alarm registered.
Senior Technician Astrak was running too. Her short blonde hair flapped around her cheeks, causing her to brush it aside crossly. Her face was scarred down one side by a rebel attack several years ago, but her sparkling blue eyes and wide lips were still visible amongst the red gashes.
Like every technician or scientist, when she found her specific computer console, she pounced upon it and began punching buttons and analysing data. A side door hummed and slid across, then the hulking figure of Chief Scientific Researcher Krail marched through. His dark eyes scanned the room and he sniffed haughtily before barking, 'What's the matter?'
Astrak raised her voice over the still-bleeping alarm. 'Computers detect a small craft in atmosphere proximity. The craft is unarmed but contains a massive amount of energy, which could be dangerous.'
Krail sat at the centre of the room on a raised platform. He folded his arms and thought. He adressed Astrak sharply. 'Well, inform the Attack Squad Habitation Dome. Tell them what our computers have detected and suggest that if that craft doesn't leave soon, then they'd better shoot it down...'

A very short story...

Post 11


Once upon a time...
the end.

The Cyber-virus

Post 12


At the moment, the "craft" that the Mondasian computers had registered was on the verge of losing total power. As the TARDIS console showed signs of deterioration, the Doctor was hurriedly explaining Mondas to Ace.
'Basically, Mondas was the planet where the Cybermen were first created,' the Doctor said with distaste.
'I thought you said the Cybermen lived on Telos,' Ace remarked confusedly.
The Doctor was getting exceedingly worried and irritated. 'Mondas was destroyed in 1986 when it began absorbing the Earth's raw energy. Ever since then the Cybermen have lived on Telos,' he sneered. 'I wouldn't be surprised if Mondas has been draining the raw energy of the TARDIS. That's why we've had repeated power losses.'
When the seriousness of this thought struck, he dashed over to one side of the console and hammered some in-put keys. Ace saw his face freeze.
'What is it?'
The Doctor gazed at her, his eyes wide in shock and surprise. 'The TARDIS's energy is indeed being absorbed by Mondas. The year is 1985. A year before it absorbed the energy of the Earth and was destroyed.'
A shrill warning cry cut across him. The scanner picture of Mondas changed to an aerial view of the Attack Squad Habitation Dome. A deep voice, filled with hate and mistrust, barked at them.
'This is the Mondas Attack Squad. You have been identified and classed as hostile. Leave this planet's sector immediatley, or you'll be shot down.'
The Doctor spoke loudly. 'Mondas Attack Squad. We are NOT hostile and our craft's energy is being drained at an alarming rate. We don't have enough power to leave this sector. Please let us land on your planet and we will try to re-energise.'
Whoever had spoken to them spent a few minutes thinking things over. The Doctor dived beneath the console and pulled out several wires. He fiddled with them and put them back. The barking voice came again.
'Mondas Attack Squad to craft in atmosphere proximity. You have been classed hostile and you must leave this sector. This is your final warning.'
The Doctor told Ace to brace herself for impending danger. Although force-fields shielded the TARDIS, repeated laser fire would severely drain whatever small amount of energy it still had.
'Listen Mondas Attack Squad!' the Doctor yelled, wanting to shout "you bumbling idiot!" but thinking it unwise, 'I have just checked our power levels and they are near zero. We MUST land to re-energise.'
Time goes slowly when serious things happen. It seemed to Ace that every second of what happened next lasted a minute. A dazzling ball of laser fire shot from the sky view of the Attack Squad Dome and struck the outer shell of the TARDIS. She and the Doctor were rocked off their feet, the TARDIS spun and fell heavily through space...

The Cyber-virus

Post 13



...The TARDIS was falling, falling, falling. Miraculously it was plunging towards Mondas. Its outer shell screamed under the crippling air pressure.
Inside, sprawled awkwardly on the floor near the console, the Doctor and Ace closed their eyes and yelled together as the whole TARDIS shuddered and twisted violently, like a nightmare fairground ride. The room lights blinked constantly and the console issued chain-reaction bangs and showers of sparks. This seemed to last for an eternity, then everything exploded into stillness as the TARDIS landed on Mondas with a jarring crash.
Heaving a sigh of relief, the Doctor rose groggily to his feet and inspected the console. He punched a few buckled and ruined in-put keys and waited for the information that never came from the wrecked systems. Ace rose and saw his face frown.
'The console's too badly damaged to find out anything, but at least we have the scanner,' he said slowly.
He looked up at the scanner screen. They had landed in what seemed to be a vast rocky desert. A few miles away this rocky landscape sloped upwards into a canyon and perching on this canyon, like huge silver beetles, were a few habitation domes. The Doctor studied this picture thoughtfully.
Suddenly he turned and opened the main doors. Ace slid a baseball bat out of the rucksack now slung over one shoulder. 'Shall we go?' the Doctor asked sincerely.

Astrak was reporting on the TARDIS's crash-landing to a very annoyed Krail. 'The computers show that the craft was fired at by the Attack Squad. It went out of atmosphere proximity and then dropped down near the Kyrik Circles.'


Post 14


This post has been removed.

The Cyber-virus

Post 15


Meanwhile, Sy Monn and two of his rebels, Biroc and Krang, were crouched in a deep crater watching the mysterious movements of two strangers who had emerged from a police box.
'Better get 'em hadn't we?' Sy Monn sneered, unholstering and priming his "Justice" rifle. He peered at the strangers through its rangefinder.
Biroc, Sy Monn's deputy-in-command, whined in his ear. Biroc was a small, incredibly chubby man with old warty skin and a bloated, ugly face. Dirty brown locks of hair protruded from his hooded head. 'Are you sure you wanna kill them? They might be useful as hostages,' he moaned.
Sy Monn sighed. For all his brilliance as a rebel and his deputy, Biroc lacked the hardness of pulling a trigger. But then again, he did have a point. 'Very well Biroc,' he growled, 'we'll take 'em into our care. I'll get 'em runnin' with a single shot, and you and Krang can grab 'em.' Biroc and Krang scuttled off.
The Doctor and Ace were looking around suspiciously. The Doctor suddenly announced, 'Y'know, I'm sure I've been here before...' As he spoke, the stuttering rattle of laser fire sounded. The ground exploded under both of their feet. 'Run!' Ace yelled. Both broke into a shambling run, but then two men in animal skins appeared behind them and grabbed them savagely. Dragging their prisoners along on the ground, Biroc and Krang too them to Sy Monn.

'What is it Astrak?' Chief Scientific Researcher Krail replied.
'Two occupants from the craft that landed near the Kyrik Circles have just emerged. They wandered around for a bit and then were taken by two rebels.'
'Well?' Krail sounded uncaring.
Astrak turned from her computer. 'Well sir, I think we should rescue them. Who knows what the rebels might do?' Krail thought, and then said, 'And do the lives of two extra terrestrials matter?'
For all his human qualities, Krail had the uncaring attitude of a Cyberman. Astrak decided to go and rescue the two strangers with some other men herself.

The Doctor and Ace found themselves tied up together by a lot of obviously desperate men in a hideout made of what seemed to be space debris. Sy Monn knelt beside them and held his rifle to the Doctor's head. 'Alright. What are you doing here?'
Ace struggled against her ropes and said, 'Well...'
Sy Monn cut across her, 'Did the Mondasian scientists send you as spies to discover the secret of our latest weapon: the Venn Nagri Virus?'
'What virus?' the Doctor asked curiously.
'Two weeks ago, we cut up some rare Venn Nagri plants and extracted a mineral which we had discovered had a startling negative effect on mechanical and metallic objects. We plan to use this virus to destroy the Cybermen.' Obviously, Sy Monn now believed that these two beings were not of Mondas.
'So! The Cybermen have truly been born,' the Doctor remarked.
'Yes. But they will die out as rapidly as they were created,' Monn remarked crisply.


Post 16


This post has been removed.

The Cyber-virus

Post 17


Meanwhile, Sy Monn and two of his rebels, Biroc and Krang, were crouched in a deep crater watching the mysterious movements of two strangers who had emerged from a police box.
'Better get 'em hadn't we?' Sy Monn sneered, unholstering and priming his "Justice" rifle. He peered at the strangers through its rangefinder.
Biroc, Sy Monn's deputy-in-command, whined in his ear. Biroc was a small, incredibly chubby man with old warty skin and a bloated, ugly face. Dirty brown locks of hair protruded from his hooded head. 'Are you sure you wanna kill them? They might be useful as hostages,' he moaned.
Sy Monn sighed. For all his brilliance as a rebel and his deputy, Biroc lacked the hardness of pulling a trigger. But then again, he did have a point. 'Very well Biroc,' he growled, 'we'll take 'em into our care. I'll get 'em runnin' with a single shot, and you and Krang can grab 'em.' Biroc and Krang scuttled off.
The Doctor and Ace were looking around suspiciously. The Doctor suddenly announced, 'Y'know, I'm sure I've been here before...' As he spoke, the stuttering rattle of laser fire sounded. The ground exploded under both of their feet. 'Run!' Ace yelled. Both broke into a shambling run, but then two men in animal skins appeared behind them and grabbed them savagely. Dragging their prisoners along on the ground, Biroc and Krang too them to Sy Monn.

'What is it Astrak?' Chief Scientific Researcher Krail replied.
'Two occupants from the craft that landed near the Kyrik Circles have just emerged. They wandered around for a bit and then were taken by two rebels.'
'Well?' Krail sounded uncaring.
Astrak turned from her computer. 'Well sir, I think we should rescue them. Who knows what the rebels might do?' Krail thought, and then said, 'And do the lives of two extra terrestrials matter?'
For all his human qualities, Krail had the uncaring attitude of a Cyberman. Astrak decided to go and rescue the two strangers with some other men herself.

The Doctor and Ace found themselves tied up together by a lot of obviously desperate men in a hideout made of what seemed to be space debris. Sy Monn knelt beside them and held his rifle to the Doctor's head. 'Alright. What are you doing here?'
Ace struggled against her ropes and said, 'Well...'
Sy Monn cut across her, 'Did the Mondasian scientists send you as spies to discover the secret of our latest weapon: the Venn Nagri Virus?'
'What virus?' the Doctor asked curiously.
'Two weeks ago, we cut up some rare Venn Nagri plants and extracted a mineral which we had discovered had a startling negative effect on mechanical and metallic objects. We plan to use this virus to destroy the Cybermen.' Obviously, Sy Monn now believed that these two beings were not of Mondas.
'So! The Cybermen have truly been born,' the Doctor remarked.
'Yes. But they will die out as rapidly as they were created,' Monn remarked crisply.

The Cyber-virus

Post 18


Meanwhile, Sy Monn and two of his rebels, Biroc and Krang, were crouched in a deep crater watching the mysterious movements of two strangers who had emerged from a police box.
'Better get 'em hadn't we?' Sy Monn sneered, unholstering and priming his "Justice" rifle. He peered at the strangers through its rangefinder.
Biroc, Sy Monn's deputy-in-command, whined in his ear. Biroc was a small, incredibly chubby man with old warty skin and a bloated, ugly face. Dirty brown locks of hair protruded from his hooded head. 'Are you sure you wanna kill them? They might be useful as hostages,' he moaned.
Sy Monn sighed. For all his brilliance as a rebel and his deputy, Biroc lacked the hardness of pulling a trigger. But then again, he did have a point. 'Very well Biroc,' he growled, 'we'll take 'em into our care. I'll get 'em runnin' with a single shot, and you and Krang can grab 'em.' Biroc and Krang scuttled off.
The Doctor and Ace were looking around suspiciously. The Doctor suddenly announced, 'Y'know, I'm sure I've been here before...' As he spoke, the stuttering rattle of laser fire sounded. The ground exploded under both of their feet. 'Run!' Ace yelled. Both broke into a shambling run, but then two men in animal skins appeared behind them and grabbed them savagely. Dragging their prisoners along on the ground, Biroc and Krang too them to Sy Monn.

'What is it Astrak?' Chief Scientific Researcher Krail replied.
'Two occupants from the craft that landed near the Kyrik Circles have just emerged. They wandered around for a bit and then were taken by two rebels.'
'Well?' Krail sounded uncaring.
Astrak turned from her computer. 'Well sir, I think we should rescue them. Who knows what the rebels might do?' Krail thought, and then said, 'And do the lives of two extra terrestrials matter?'
For all his human qualities, Krail had the uncaring attitude of a Cyberman. Astrak decided to go and rescue the two strangers with some other men herself.

The Doctor and Ace found themselves tied up together by a lot of obviously desperate men in a hideout made of what seemed to be space debris. Sy Monn knelt beside them and held his rifle to the Doctor's head. 'Alright. What are you doing here?'
Ace struggled against her ropes and said, 'Well...'
Sy Monn cut across her, 'Did the Mondasian scientists send you as spies to discover the secret of our latest weapon: the Venn Nagri Virus?'
'What virus?' the Doctor asked curiously.
'Two weeks ago, we cut up some rare Venn Nagri plants and extracted a mineral which we had discovered had a startling negative effect on mechanical and metallic objects. We plan to use this virus to destroy the Cybermen.' Obviously, Sy Monn now believed that these two beings were not of Mondas.
'So! The Cybermen have truly been born,' the Doctor remarked.
'Yes. But they will die out as rapidly as they were created,' Monn remarked crisply.

The Cyber-virus

Post 19


Meanwhile, Sy Monn and two of his rebels, Biroc and Krang, were crouched in a deep crater watching the mysterious movements of two strangers who had emerged from a police box.
'Better get 'em hadn't we?' Sy Monn sneered, unholstering and priming his "Justice" rifle. He peered at the strangers through its rangefinder.
Biroc, Sy Monn's deputy-in-command, whined in his ear. Biroc was a small, incredibly chubby man with old warty skin and a bloated, ugly face. Dirty brown locks of hair protruded from his hooded head. 'Are you sure you wanna kill them? They might be useful as hostages,' he moaned.
Sy Monn sighed. For all his brilliance as a rebel and his deputy, Biroc lacked the hardness of pulling a trigger. But then again, he did have a point. 'Very well Biroc,' he growled, 'we'll take 'em into our care. I'll get 'em runnin' with a single shot, and you and Krang can grab 'em.' Biroc and Krang scuttled off.
The Doctor and Ace were looking around suspiciously. The Doctor suddenly announced, 'Y'know, I'm sure I've been here before...' As he spoke, the stuttering rattle of laser fire sounded. The ground exploded under both of their feet. 'Run!' Ace yelled. Both broke into a shambling run, but then two men in animal skins appeared behind them and grabbed them savagely. Dragging their prisoners along on the ground, Biroc and Krang too them to Sy Monn.

'What is it Astrak?' Chief Scientific Researcher Krail replied.
'Two occupants from the craft that landed near the Kyrik Circles have just emerged. They wandered around for a bit and then were taken by two rebels.'
'Well?' Krail sounded uncaring.
Astrak turned from her computer. 'Well sir, I think we should rescue them. Who knows what the rebels might do?' Krail thought, and then said, 'And do the lives of two extra terrestrials matter?'
For all his human qualities, Krail had the uncaring attitude of a Cyberman. Astrak decided to go and rescue the two strangers with some other men herself.

The Doctor and Ace found themselves tied up together by a lot of obviously desperate men in a hideout made of what seemed to be space debris. Sy Monn knelt beside them and held his rifle to the Doctor's head. 'Alright. What are you doing here?'
Ace struggled against her ropes and said, 'Well...'
Sy Monn cut across her, 'Did the Mondasian scientists send you as spies to discover the secret of our latest weapon: the Venn Nagri Virus?'
'What virus?' the Doctor asked curiously.
'Two weeks ago, we cut up some rare Venn Nagri plants and extracted a mineral which we had discovered had a startling negative effect on mechanical and metallic objects. We plan to use this virus to destroy the Cybermen.' Obviously, Sy Monn now believed that these two beings were not of Mondas.
'So! The Cybermen have truly been born,' the Doctor remarked.
'Yes. But they will die out as rapidly as they were created,' Monn remarked crisply.

The Cyber-virus

Post 20


Meanwhile, Sy Monn and two of his rebels, Biroc and Krang, were crouched in a deep crater watching the mysterious movements of two strangers who had emerged from a police box.
'Better get 'em hadn't we?' Sy Monn sneered, unholstering and priming his "Justice" rifle. He peered at the strangers through its rangefinder.
Biroc, Sy Monn's deputy-in-command, whined in his ear. Biroc was a small, incredibly chubby man with old warty skin and a bloated, ugly face. Dirty brown locks of hair protruded from his hooded head. 'Are you sure you wanna kill them? They might be useful as hostages,' he moaned.
Sy Monn sighed. For all his brilliance as a rebel and his deputy, Biroc lacked the hardness of pulling a trigger. But then again, he did have a point. 'Very well Biroc,' he growled, 'we'll take 'em into our care. I'll get 'em runnin' with a single shot, and you and Krang can grab 'em.' Biroc and Krang scuttled off.
The Doctor and Ace were looking around suspiciously. The Doctor suddenly announced, 'Y'know, I'm sure I've been here before...' As he spoke, the stuttering rattle of laser fire sounded. The ground exploded under both of their feet. 'Run!' Ace yelled. Both broke into a shambling run, but then two men in animal skins appeared behind them and grabbed them savagely. Dragging their prisoners along on the ground, Biroc and Krang too them to Sy Monn.

'What is it Astrak?' Chief Scientific Researcher Krail replied.
'Two occupants from the craft that landed near the Kyrik Circles have just emerged. They wandered around for a bit and then were taken by two rebels.'
'Well?' Krail sounded uncaring.
Astrak turned from her computer. 'Well sir, I think we should rescue them. Who knows what the rebels might do?' Krail thought, and then said, 'And do the lives of two extra terrestrials matter?'
For all his human qualities, Krail had the uncaring attitude of a Cyberman. Astrak decided to go and rescue the two strangers with some other men herself.

The Doctor and Ace found themselves tied up together by a lot of obviously desperate men in a hideout made of what seemed to be space debris. Sy Monn knelt beside them and held his rifle to the Doctor's head. 'Alright. What are you doing here?'
Ace struggled against her ropes and said, 'Well...'
Sy Monn cut across her, 'Did the Mondasian scientists send you as spies to discover the secret of our latest weapon: the Venn Nagri Virus?'
'What virus?' the Doctor asked curiously.
'Two weeks ago, we cut up some rare Venn Nagri plants and extracted a mineral which we had discovered had a startling negative effect on mechanical and metallic objects. We plan to use this virus to destroy the Cybermen.' Obviously, Sy Monn now believed that these two beings were not of Mondas.
'So! The Cybermen have truly been born,' the Doctor remarked.
'Yes. But they will die out as rapidly as they were created,' Monn remarked crisply.

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