A Conversation for Guest Stories
The Cyber-virus
CYBERHUMAN Posted Nov 13, 2001
Meanwhile, Sy Monn and two of his rebels, Biroc and Krang, were crouched in a deep crater watching the mysterious movements of two strangers who had emerged from a police box.
'Better get 'em hadn't we?' Sy Monn sneered, unholstering and priming his "Justice" rifle. He peered at the strangers through its rangefinder.
Biroc, Sy Monn's deputy-in-command, whined in his ear. Biroc was a small, incredibly chubby man with old warty skin and a bloated, ugly face. Dirty brown locks of hair protruded from his hooded head. 'Are you sure you wanna kill them? They might be useful as hostages,' he moaned.
Sy Monn sighed. For all his brilliance as a rebel and his deputy, Biroc lacked the hardness of pulling a trigger. But then again, he did have a point. 'Very well Biroc,' he growled, 'we'll take 'em into our care. I'll get 'em runnin' with a single shot, and you and Krang can grab 'em.' Biroc and Krang scuttled off.
The Doctor and Ace were looking around suspiciously. The Doctor suddenly announced, 'Y'know, I'm sure I've been here before...' As he spoke, the stuttering rattle of laser fire sounded. The ground exploded under both of their feet. 'Run!' Ace yelled. Both broke into a shambling run, but then two men in animal skins appeared behind them and grabbed them savagely. Dragging their prisoners along on the ground, Biroc and Krang too them to Sy Monn.
'What is it Astrak?' Chief Scientific Researcher Krail replied.
'Two occupants from the craft that landed near the Kyrik Circles have just emerged. They wandered around for a bit and then were taken by two rebels.'
'Well?' Krail sounded uncaring.
Astrak turned from her computer. 'Well sir, I think we should rescue them. Who knows what the rebels might do?' Krail thought, and then said, 'And do the lives of two extra terrestrials matter?'
For all his human qualities, Krail had the uncaring attitude of a Cyberman. Astrak decided to go and rescue the two strangers with some other men herself.
The Doctor and Ace found themselves tied up together by a lot of obviously desperate men in a hideout made of what seemed to be space debris. Sy Monn knelt beside them and held his rifle to the Doctor's head. 'Alright. What are you doing here?'
Ace struggled against her ropes and said, 'Well...'
Sy Monn cut across her, 'Did the Mondasian scientists send you as spies to discover the secret of our latest weapon: the Venn Nagri Virus?'
'What virus?' the Doctor asked curiously.
'Two weeks ago, we cut up some rare Venn Nagri plants and extracted a mineral which we had discovered had a startling negative effect on mechanical and metallic objects. We plan to use this virus to destroy the Cybermen.' Obviously, Sy Monn now believed that these two beings were not of Mondas.
'So! The Cybermen have truly been born,' the Doctor remarked.
'Yes. But they will die out as rapidly as they were created,' Monn remarked crisply.
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The Cyber-virus
- 21: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 22: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
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- 24: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 25: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 26: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 27: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 28: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 29: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 30: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 31: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 32: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 33: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 34: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 35: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 36: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 37: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 38: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 39: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
- 40: CYBERHUMAN (Nov 13, 2001)
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