A Conversation for The Potato Army HQ

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 1

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*tuc wonders out in to the desolation before him. Once here was planted a thriving potato field now all that is left are a few scattered potatos. The gound has been churned up in a disturbing way. Tuc searches for clues as to who could be responsible for such a crime.

Finnally he finds a multi coloured striped stocking, he falls to his knees, holds the stocking a loft and screams*


The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 2

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

*walk on to potato field*
We're are just going to have to find a potato farmer.

Snowman smiley - snowman

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 3

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *laughs evily*

You needn't think you can defeat me you pair of scum bag potato lovers. I will rid this land of all potatos and there is nothing you can do about it HA HA HA HA

*speeds away on a pair of moterized multi coloured stockings as she passes tuc she grabs the stocking he is holding*


The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 4

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Is this sibling rivalry? smiley - erm

Snowman smiley - snowman

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 5

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page


There will be no mash tonight

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 6

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Are you sure you're alright smiley - huh

Snowman smiley - snowman

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 7

Floh Fortuneswell

Certainly smiley - laugh

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 8

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

They're better boiled anyway

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 9

Floh Fortuneswell

And mashed.

The Ruined Potato Fields

Post 10

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*tuc starts to replant the destroyed potato field after some time he sands back to survey his work*

AHH grow my lovies grow

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 11

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

~walks in and changes name~ Thats better. smiley - smiley
~erects sign saying 'tuc: replanter of potato field, December 12th 2001'
Well done tuc heres a smiley - bubbly to celebrate.

Snowman smiley - snowman

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 12

Floh Fortuneswell

And a smiley - smooch to celebrate smiley - smiley

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 13

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

A toast to many a potato growing, *raises his glass of smiley - bubbly

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 14

Floh Fortuneswell

A toastsmiley - cheers

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 15

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

Yes a piece of likely toasted bread. smiley - cheers

Snowman smiley - snowman

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 16

Floh Fortuneswell

...with peanut-butter...smiley - bigeyes

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 17

Snowman - For a story click my name you know you want to

or jam...

Snowman smiley - snowman

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 18

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

*lurks in the bushes, taking notes...um...well, he IS having a little trouble spelling December... and Replanted...and,well, Heck!
He'll just remember everything! He's got a mind like a steel trap!
Tosses notebook aside in disgust, sneaks off...*

*Notebook lays neglected on the ground. Inside are what looks like a child's scribbling and a picture of a baby potato being scewered on a roasting spit.smiley - tongueout*

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 19

tuc fortuneswell, Dax is updating his page

*Tuc hears a noise from the nerby bushes*

Did you hear that?

The not so Ruined Potato Fields

Post 20

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

comes out of the bushes, with a sheepish grin.smiley - sheep
Looks like we is on the same side now. smiley - snowman says we can eat baby potatoes, if we let most of them grow up. So we ain't gonna raid yer crops.*offers Tuc a glass of moonshine*

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