The People I Like

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2legs - no bio necessary. Everybody likes 2legs.

B'Elana is the jolly professional Content Editor at The Post.

Bob Stafford, who likes my stories and cheers me up and encourages me by saying so.

dmitrigheorgheni writes wonderful stories and poems and supplies me with helpful and friendly advice when I need it.

echomikeromeo is the fondly remembered ex-Editor at The Post (not gone... just gone on to further education).

Evadne Cake (Brother), a person who knows how to suffer and to laugh - a special sort.

Fizzymouse, a very nice mouse who is always helpful and friendly.

FlyInWinter, who writes his own stories, reads my stories and is kind enough to supply me with inspiration for the sort of things Mrs Endhouse might get up to.

Happy Nerd is a cheerful gal who enjoys photography and tries to do right by the environment.

ITIWBS, a poet who can see the extraordinary in the ordinary.

lil, who is the energetic and irrepressible Assistant Fiction and Poetry Editor at The Post.

LLWaz, who writes well, draws well and is environmentally friendly.

minorvogonpoet, who is a poet.

oldrusty, formally known as oldrustbucket, is a friendly Scot who enjoys reading stories.

Pinniped, who writes beautifully and generously helped me to learn to write my short stories.

radiantjoiedevivre, a very nice lady who has several other names/IDs because h2g2 keeps locking her out and making her start again with a new name.

Skankyrich is the very excellent Editor at The Post.

Traveller in Time, he's just a soulsmiley - tit whose intentions are good (bm bm bm bm) Oh Lord, please don't let him be misunderstood.

Tumsup is an inventor of useful things and all-round clever fellow.

Venus is a friendly soul who cares about wild-life and all things natural.

Websailor is another good friend of wild-life and nature.

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