A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

Thursday, 03 December, 2009: Further Information About Display Names in BBC iD and h2g2

Post 101


smiley - grr Although i seem to be able to sign in; the screen size has changed; my poor little notepad has to be scrolled left & right to even see a posting in full.smiley - grr


Thursday, 03 December, 2009: Further Information About Display Names in BBC iD and h2g2

Post 102

Baron Grim

Ooh, that's gotta be annoying.

Thursday, 03 December, 2009: Further Information About Display Names in BBC iD and h2g2

Post 103

aka Bel - A87832164

Do newbies who sign up with h2g2 already use the BBCiD system? If so, is it possible to find somebody whose member name you know (but who doesn't seem to understand what a usernumber is, and that he seems to have another nickname on h2g2 than the member name he gave me)?

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Thursday, 03 December, 2009: Further Information About Display Names in BBC iD and h2g2

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