A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 21


I have been trapped in the reality of w**k for a couple of hours because the server wouldn't let me into h2g2 from my computer there. Believe me, GD, the problems were real. smiley - bigeyes

It's good to ne home. smiley - ok

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 22


It's even better to *be* home. smiley - blush

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

I was at home, the whole day - why does this always happen on my day off ? smiley - wah

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 24

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

I don't think it's to do with which browser is being used, IMO the problem is with the BBC servers...as a little experiment, I've changed to Opera, see if it does make any difference. smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 25

You can call me TC

I only get problems when there's no announcement to tell you why. Sure bet, on a day like today where we are warned, nothing happens.

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 26

aka Bel - A87832164

Lucky you smiley - envy- I'm having problems with, or without announcements

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 27

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

The only problem I'm having is that my PC is slow from playing Civ 4 for two hours. I haven't come across a single error all day. smiley - erm

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 28


Paully, I have been having problems accessing my own personal space ever since I had to re-register for the BBC Science and Nature Boards. It would only let me register one way and I lost proper access to my Space and it keeps taking me to an old space from when I first registered with h2g2 which was never developed as you can see.

Proper space U536740

Old Space which I can operate, but don't want to U520304

I don't know whether this is part of the general problem, or something I did, but I am seriously smiley - bleep about it.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 29

Jim Lynn

Are you using the correct loginname? Your preferred account has a different loginname - initials and a surname. Have you tried that?

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 30


Jim Lynn,

Thank you, thank you. I appear to be back in. The last time I tried to do this it would not have anything to do with me!! It was so smiley - bleep frustrating I gave up!

Websailorsmiley - dragon

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 31

Jim Lynn

You're welcome.

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 32


I tried Opera. Couldn't understand a word. Think they were singing in some foreign language. I'll stick to stage musicals.

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 33

aka Bel - A87832164

The classiacal opera is sung in Italian - not a language many people understand smiley - winkeye

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 34

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Gimme Carmen any day, I understand enough French to get by, plus, being a fan of I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue I have fun with mucking around with The Toreador's Song and singing the words of I've got a lovely bunch of Coconuts and Staying Alive to the tune

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 35


I've never figured out how to fix it so that I don't get logged out when I close the browser. The 'Remember Me' tick box doesn't appear to work.

But I slept through the server problems. I love being in a different time zone - when you wake up, everything's been fixed!smiley - biggrin

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 36


post 2 hi whisky you mean 4 1/2 years ago you signed up as new?

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 37

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit < <./>online</.> > 24/7 for the last 700 days
"More as in 'I never logout' Hmm, they have changed that to 'SignOut'.

The problems were in obtaining the cookie from the SSO server. If you already have a cookie (marked 'Remember me') you will get straight in. "

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 38

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Unless you're Paranoid like me and your Spyware wipes all cookies from the system

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 39



i run that every couple of days or so all i have at the moment is adware smiley - smiley first time i run it had about 5 things i needed to delete smiley - evilgrin

1 December 2005: Signing-In Problems

Post 40

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I run mine everyday,

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