A Conversation for Transport

Helpful(?) suggestions

Post 1

Berek - A619049 William Wallace - Braveheart and Scottish Patriot :o)

Hello, Hobbes, 3of8,
I travel on Glasgow buses and trains quite a lot. One of my least pleasant experiences was sitting opposite a pair of young lads, one of whom(?) opened his can of beer, spraying it all over me. I responded by moving to another part of the carriage - are there better suggestions?

Smoking in non-smoking buses and carriages is one of my pet hates, especially as no-one seems to enforce the rules.

Litter can also be a problem, especially, since the advent of the free 'Metro' newspapers, which are actually a very good idea.

Nothing very light-hearted here, I know, but maybe you can use some of this. smiley - cheers

Helpful(?) suggestions

Post 2

Hobbes - Keeper of Himself to Himself,(scout)

Thanks for your input, I haven't done any work on the entry for a while.

The Metro is a good point, especially the people who distribute them in Newcastle - No I don't want your paper leave me alone!

smiley - smiley

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