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The Title Appreciation Society

If you want a title without any strings attached, then you've come to the right place. The Title Appreciacion Society is for people who just want a title, have their name mentioned on the page, and get on with their lives. It isn't even necesary for you to leave a link pointing towards the Society on your page (All though it would be nice)!

Our motto: 'Get a title and get on with it!'

The Title Appreciation SocietyW85 - Creator of AllephirelX of Deeper Thought then Deep Thoughtfred_smith - Holy Emperor of Alpha CentauriDr. Weasel - G.D.G.D.F.O.W.W.S.H.H.S."S.M.T.W.T.G.H."ex-Rambling - Warmongerer ExtemporeWhisky - Grand Protector of half empty bottles Red Dog - Top Banana Someone else you Know - T.B.D.L.G.H.M.A.T.U.I.N.G.C.B.N.C.RCodpiece man - Omnipotent Battle Leader of the Phallic-Symbol Equipped ArmiesHappy Little Elf - The Almighty Insignificant

The Title Appreciacion Society

H2G2's Muses

Welcome to the H2G2 Community of Muses. Many of us at H2G2 are artists of sorts, or we claim to be creative geniuses. Whatever our artistic bent, our attitude is given due recognition here, and our services are available to all.

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H2G2's Musehome


Everyone has a favourite thing...
Claim your title now!

(Roster not available, because there isn't one...)


The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday "Thing"

Not just thursday, the entire week aswell. And possibly the months... So, sick of Thu**days? We're your group! If you want to join, just use the link provided below to get to the society, and follow the instructions. We are the most popular uprising in the whole of H2G2 after all...

The proud Members of Clan ThingClive the flying ostrich - Warlordacidbath - Grand VisierParrferris - Minister of Defence
(& Occasional Offence)Amy - High Priestess of ThingShea the Sarcastic - Captain of the Thingite GuardThe Gook - Sir Loin, Master at ArmsBob - (Temporary) Commander Thingite Suicide SquadLady Elly - Assistant GV/Commander Amazon DivisionHappyDude - Camp FollowerInkwash - Speaker of the UnderpassSt. Redfish - Director: Thingite Intelligence Agency (TIS)Average Joe - Thingite Tactical AdvisorÞing - Guardian of the Sacred ThornM'Alice - Keeper of the Sacred AleEkki Ekki Ekki - Chieftain of Clan McThingUncle Heavy - Sergeant majorJon Quixote - Official Suggestor of Good Ideas Acolyte Hezher - High Chocolater PixieMinister of Occasional TablesHiram Abif - Imperial Architect of all Things ThingyTJ - Royal Protector of the Thingite WitEris - Resident DeityKatie of the Redheads - Donna and MotherSt Trin - Official operator (Thingite Legionaire)Mr.Mike - Thingite Sandwich MakerEvilRoy - Maestro of the Thingite OrchestraE G Mel - The maker of small electric gadgetsQueen Alamsy - Thingite Guard of SmiliesIce - Thingite Neuro-SurgeonYeliab - Thingite EngineerABI (!!!) - Captain of ReconnaissanceFrankie Roberto - Thingite Propoganda ChiefJoe AKA Arnia - Head of R + D for the Thingite War MachineDastardly - Principle Dragoon of the Thingite LegionsBusterbone - Warden of the pound; Lobber of dogs. Cheesestraws: Official Thingite mascot (Artichoke)aka - Head Eater of cheesecake and flicker of rubber bands.Dien - Lord-Seneschalfor the Court of ThingAnnette - Official Chinchilla TrainerPu Dendal-Shrubbery - Head Researcher on Thingite CalendarA horse called Bazooka Joe and his Amazing Travelling Sideshow - Dave Cyberspook - Grand Inquisitor of disgruntled cat toys Joanna - Thingite Star Gazer Peregrin - Official Falconer of the Thingite LegionsGiga Strike - Lord of Rhyme and Reason, Master of Thingite InfantryTwinkle - Thigite TelepotantionistShorty - Tamer of Kremlin.
Taurrin Chaplin - Head of the Ministry for general Sillyness
W85 - Master of Ceremonies Phreako - Official Thingite Fancier of carrier Pigeons

The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday "Thing"

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