A Conversation for Guest Room #1 (The Lighthouse)

Nice View!!!!

Post 101

Lighthousegirl - back on board

WOW - look there is a Kestral - I did not expect them by the coast!

* stops and looks up *

It is magnificant.

Oh look - over there on top of the cliffs - what is that?

Nice View!!!!

Post 102

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* walks towards the cliffs transfixed by the beautiful Puffins *

Nice View!!!!

Post 103


Puffins? That's something I definately did not expect. I've never seen one before - let's see if we can get closer without scaring them away!


Nice View!!!!

Post 104

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Me either but I am sure that is what they are!

* takes BB's hand ans starts climbing over the rocks towards the Puffins *

* whispers * They are beautiful, just look at the colours on their beaks

Nice View!!!!

Post 105


Before, the closest thing I'd ever got to a puffin was a children's paperback book. But now - I'm speachless!
Yellow, orange, more golden colours than there are words for.


Nice View!!!!

Post 106

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - biggrin

* watches the birds in amazement *

Nice View!!!!

Post 107


Look at that one! Look at that one!
It looks as if it's only a day old. Aww!!!


Nice View!!!!

Post 108

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - wow its beautiful isnt it smiley - smiley

I could watch them for hours smiley - smiley

Nice View!!!!

Post 109


Me too....
So, shall we, or shall we continue along the beach for a bit? You never know what might be around the next rock.


Nice View!!!!

Post 110

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* takes a call on her mobile, which luckily was set to silent ring *

* much quiet talking *

* an already large smile just got bigger *


* produces a pick-nic rug, a bottle of smiley - bubbly and two glasses from the stealth pocket in her shorts *

That was some rather good news smiley - smiley Will you join me in celebrating?

Nice View!!!!

Post 111


*Accepts the smiley - bubbly gratefully.*
Certainly, my friend. What are we celebrating?


Nice View!!!!

Post 112

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Well ...

* takes a deep breath *

You know how life cant all be holiday and that I have to w**k? Well I have been really unhappy in my w**k and have been looking for somethihng better. And I found it and I have just heard that I have been offered it, so subject to the contracts being OK, I have a new job smiley - biggrin

Nice View!!!!

Post 113


Congratulations!!!!!smiley - hug
I'm thrilled for you - I know what it's like to have a job you hate smiley - winkeye
So, what are you going to be doing?


Nice View!!!!

Post 114

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I will be working for a very good blue chip company in a role that builds on what I do now. Its part of a very exciting project and I am really excited about it.

* sips smiley - bubbly *

Nice View!!!!

Post 115


Well, congratulations!


Nice View!!!!

Post 116

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - hug Thank you smiley - biggrin

Nice View!!!!

Post 117

Alex A (Keeper of 7)

* Alex A wanders up *

Excuse me for interupting....

Congratulations on the job offer Light - I hope it works out as you hope! smiley - biggrin

Nice View!!!!

Post 118

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - hug Thanks Alex

smiley - bubbly?

How are you? Long time no see! Have you been having fun?

Nice View!!!!

Post 119


*Lets Alex A make his way to the picnic basket*


Nice View!!!!

Post 120

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* pours him a smiley - bubbly *

* spots the picknick basket and looks inside *

Ohh raspberrys smiley - biggrin

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