A Conversation for How To Form A Nu Metal Band

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 21

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Urr.. Yeah I s'pose '80s Metal is a little camp, and posturing (except Kiss) smiley - laugh But I can't help it, and I can't get on with it's replacements at all. I did like one or two Idlewild tracks, and I was a cutting edge youth once, not long ago in fact, I've only just fallen off the edge into the next damn age bracket. You know, ticking the next box along on the forms.

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 22

Uncle Heavy [sic]

and alreay your listening to slayer and iron maiden...dearie dearie me smiley - tongueout

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 23

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

I been listening to Slayer and Iron Maiden since "South of Heaven" came out man. I bought seventh son of a seventh son on it's release date! Age is really catching up with me, day I was born, God Save The Queen had just been knocked off no 1 by David Bowie!

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 24

Uncle Heavy [sic]

so...you are still officially young...i thought you had to be at least thirty to legitimately enjoy listening to metallica...

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 25

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

No, but to enjoy anything they've done since the black album you have to be either very hard of hearing or legally dead.

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 26

Uncle Heavy [sic]

all a matter of opinion. i would contend that they are a bunch of ********s

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 27

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

********s? I'm trying to think of offensive 8 letter words and I can't, fill in a couple of the blanks. I will agree that Lars Ulrich is very much a c*** for what he did to a formerly great idea (napster) and I constantly laugh at the fact that you can still pull Metallica tracks from all over the net for nothing!

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 28

Uncle Heavy [sic]



yes...smiley - grr napster. 'oh no. we have 100s of millions of pounds. better stop this free thing then'

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 29

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

I didn't think *rseholes was such a moderatable word! (is that a real word?) FREEDOM FOR MUZAK! (and real music too I suppose)

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 30

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i dont think muzak should be free at all. i think it should include a mandatory life sentence and gelding

New menings of the word new (or Nu)

Post 31

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Then you've never heard Rex Diesly and the Organs of Throb, have you?

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