A Conversation for The Frog-People's Constitution

This should be so:

Post 1


Compulsory Douglas Adams and Tolkien taught in schools


Post 2


Congratulations... smiley - bubbly

smiley - gift You are now a member of the Frog-People! smiley - gift
You're contribution will be added to the Constitution shortly.

Thanks for your interest! smiley - biggrin


This should be so:

Post 3


(Your dead right by the way)


This should be so:

Post 4


Glad you agree smiley - biggrin

make it happen!!

This should be so:

Post 5

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

this is a long since dead thread...4 months(ish) by my reckoning so I thought I'd ressurect it....even if nobody answers smiley - erm

This should be so:

Post 6


Doesn't somebody always answer? smiley - smiley

This should be so:

Post 7

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

no - but mostly smiley - smiley

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