Big Bandwagon Week 3

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Abi's quote: 'Will there be (house rules compliant) cybersex?'

This installment of the Post's Big Bandwagon coverage has been brought to you by sea and aka1.

The last week, the final countdown, the end, the finish line - call it what you will. The remaining members of the Bandwagon are somehow coping with each other as friends; How very Odd! Since sea and I left the Bandwagon in the first week, they've had to cook a gourmet meal and eat it as a task... Tch! And they had to wait till we'd gone! After that there's been yet another escape bid, signs of stress due to isolation, seances trying to summon 'Ghosts from beyond the Bandwagon' (i.e. Don A, Rama, sea, and me), more 'Shower Shenanigans', and the inexplicable absence of BB2.

As you know, the residents were given probably the best task after the both of us left the Bandwagon: organizing and eating a Gourmet meal. Not as much a task as a Treat, some would say, but it was probably rather difficult. The meal consisted of Babotie (cooked by Infinity and Rama), Carpaccio of Veal with Tuna (cooked by Don Alfredo), Blackened Catfish and soup (cooked by d'Elephant), and chocolate wafers and pavlova (cooked by Cafram). It was all served by a hijacked CLI Maid-Bot. They seemed to enjoy the meal in the end and Zeppo the dog got his own little treat (a big bone to chew on) along with a canephony of tennis balls! And sparks were flying between Infinity and Rama after dinner when Infinity gave Rama a back rub!

It would appear Infinity has suffered from isolation from the outside world of h2g2 Conversation Fora and is now in the process of talking to herself and acting out the replies of her friends whilst bouncing off the cushioned walls of her very own Padded Cell! We might wonder where this cell came from since there was no building, planning or construction involved in its appearance. It would also appear that BB hasn't noticed!... they did eventually and dismantled it! ed

The seance, led by d'Elephant, managed to summon both aka and myself back to the house for a chat. I suppose this could have constituted a break-in, however when shazz was summoned, BB told us that she was unavailable and didn't mention the breach!

Infinity has continued to take candid pictures of her housemates in the shower, this time catching d'Elephant through the steam. I'd say the collection of pictures on the walls of the girls' room must be pretty impressive by now! (I must remember to go have a look! smiley - winkeye)

The three remaining housemates were also paid a visit by Don Alfredo in his helicopter. He tried to help them escape by dropping a rope ladder down to them, however he forgot to hold onto the end of it. It dropped to the ground and spoiled the attempt.

The final task appeared to be enjoyed by all the occupants. They had to choose their 10 favourite h2g2 Life episodes and put them in order of preference. The instigation of this task even brought benefit to other h2g2ers as The Post Team were obliged to provide decent links to the cartoons! The suggestions and final list can all be accessed by going to the Surrounds

Finally, The Votes are in:

  • d'Elaphant plus Zeppo the dog: 12.5%
  • Cafram: 37.5%
  • Infinity: 50.0%

So it is with great pleasure we award Infinity with the winner status!

Bandwagon has finished- and we were a part of it - albeit for seven days. Did you enjoy it? Will it return? Will we re-join with hopes of winning next time? Will Abi still be addicted? There's only one way to find out: with a time machine. Actually, you'll probably find out if you're really patient!

BB would also like to thank Joanna for providing the refreshments in the form of her travelling doughnut/donut stall.

This has been sea and aka with voting stats provided by The h2g2 post team

09.08.01. Front Page

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1aka is aged 15 for those who wanted to know!2A cunning ploy to study the effects of complete isolation!... BB

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