A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Started conversation Nov 20, 2011
Entry: Directions - A87722986
Author: cactuscafe - U1320388
Hullo AWW!
This story appeared in raw form in my h2g2 journal the other day, so I now present it here, a bit fixed and mixed.
I spent longer changing the directions to the Town Hall to make them more accurate, than I did working on my grammar and wording, , which shows that I don't get out much.
The fact that I actually did set the directions to the Town Hall to music on my synth, so that the 24 hr supermarket reaction seemed authentic, means many things, that I would sooner not speak about. .
I got a bit mixed up with all the dialogue punctuation and things, but hey.
I don't tend to create characters, but Jay just appeared. Of course, he is becoming real to me now, and this morning I thought I saw him buying a red tinsel Christmas tree.
The story took me way longer to write than you might think, because I took a whole host of themes from my real life and attempted to write the essence of them, as sparingly and as concisely as possible.
Now I am addicted to doing this.
Thanks to the magic of h2g2, with all its enchanted labyrinths, I have got the story-writing bug again. This makes me mysteriously happy, even though I am still, in essence, an escaped word-painter. . Never mind.
Some of the language is a bit strange, like and but I have no alternatives right now.
This is version one. In version two, I might describe some of the other performances a bit more. You think that would be a good idea?
If you have any weird science fiction type daydreams as brought on by this story, or peculiar ways you would describe this story, if you were a reviewer, it would make me feel so happy, that I might have to go write another story , but its OK if you don't.
This intro will make a lot more sense after reading the story, but I appreciate that it might put you off doing that. hahah.
A87722986 - Directions
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 20, 2011
I like the story.
I wouldn't have stayed for Jay's concert. But wait! Don't get excited! That's because I don't like jazz or environmental music. It interferes with my internal mapping...I get a short circuit...I would have trouble finding the Town Hall after that...
It's what I was trying to tell people about building characters. If they become real, consistent, story-supporting entities on their own, don't make them into something somebody else wants on their shopping list. Make them yours.
You did. Jay's cool. The story is loads of fun, too. The plot device is intriguing. You're making a fun universe happen before our eyes.
I'm assuming we get this in one day, but let me know when y'all are done playing with it before we let the rest of the public in on the fun.
I'm looking forward to Version Two.
A87722986 - Directions
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 20, 2011
I like this. I particularly like Jay, with his determination to stay true to his 'see in the dark creative spark.'
The story seems to hover between humour - I like the 'FM radio which had been dropped into a patchouli scented bubblebath' and a reflection on the loneliness of the creative spirit.
I'm not sure if it needs anything else added. If you describe the other acts you'll lose the focus on Jay.
A87722986 - Directions
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Nov 21, 2011
Hmm, not quite sure what to make of this and that would be why it's in the AWW.
Jay comes across as someone who might be easily distracted, slow on the uptake but able to see an end when there are many distractions, disarmingly literal and if you'd included his mannerisms and tone of speech, possibly body movements or particular posture...than I'd call him an Aspie.
I have a 23 year old son who is an Aspie and this little tale reminded me of him and other Aspie's I've met over time.
I think you either need to do some more chapters of the tale of Jay,forwards or backwards in his life or expand this particular story just enough so that it can stand on it's own two legs, fill it out a bit, fluff it up, add some more detail.
Cheers Keith
NB: Aspie= Aspergers Syndrome and if you know one then you will understand what I'm saying. If you don't, then this s not the place to instruct you but you've made me think of them
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 21, 2011
Hah! Hey folks and thanks for the insights.
Interesting, Keith, you offered a bit of direction there, that I didn't realise was so apparent. My older brother is Asperger's (I never really know how to say it, don't like to say <has>, so interesting about your son.
I love my brother, and I grew up in quite an unusual and vulnerable yet enchanted creative kind of situation. Of course the character of Jay has a lot of him there presented. It is all there in my subconscious. hmm.
Interesting. Funny old thing, this writing thing.
Yikes, I didn't realise. Hope I haven't inadvertentely offended. Now I feel a bit sensitive about that, but of course any portrait I have unintentionally painted is a non judgemental, in fact quite the opposite.
And also, who am I to judge. Now I am going to think about this more.
Hmm. Help guys. Am I OK? Should I delete the story? I don't think so. Time to ride the challenge here. Face what message I am giving out in my writing, and sort of like as an artist.
A87722986 - Directions
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Nov 21, 2011
Delete? Of course not, don't be silly.
You have the kernel of an interesting story here and it's got legs I reckon, do some more don't let Jay lay idle.
Well isn't that interesting that you have a brother in the Autistic Spectrum as I indeed have a son. You may have indeed channelled part of him unconsciously into Jay's character maybe you could put more of him into it if your Ok with that.
BTW it's fine to say *has* or *has it* if he's fine with that interpretation although I've always described it as: "He was born Aspergers" or "at an early age he was diagnosed with high functioning autism or Aspergers". Always let other people lead if you can in this and correct them if you feel they're getting it wrong, it's not something you can catch(as you would know) and so 'has' can be used in the wrong context sometimes.
Don't intellectualise too much about it in relation to your story and to Jay otherwise you'll lose that instantaneous thought process that matters so much when your writing: Grab the idea, get it out of your head, down onto paper and worry about it later but not before.
Cheers Keith
A87722986 - Directions
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 21, 2011
I don't think you need to delete this story. In fact, one of the functions of literature is to show readers the world from other people's point of view.
I didn't spot the characteristics of Aspergers in Jay myself. I've been interested in Aspergers ever since my son had trouble at school, but I've always thought 'He can't be classically Aspergic because he's quite creative - he likes drawing cartoons and writing stories.'
All I know is that there's hardly any limit to the variations within the human sprit,or soul or psychology.
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 21, 2011
Hmm, and thanks Keith! And all. This is all very interesting, indeed. For me, right now, it says more about the consequences of sharing work with others. Others can sometimes see the unseen layers.
So I am grateful for those perceptions. I love the AWW.
I am, in fact, so taken aback by all this, in a good way, that I am going to go stand on my own roundabout , like right in the middle of it, and see which direction I am going to take, artistically speaking.
Intellectualisation, as you say, is a hopeless process, especially for one such as I. Such as me. Such as I. Which is it? .
To paint a portrait of vulnerability would be an interesting idea, if I could stand it, but it might be too close to a raw emotional centre right now. As you probably well know,it can be quite exhausting looking after a vulnerable person, however much you love them, and then there's one's own vulnerability to think about. I've had a rather interesting life also, when it comes to erm breakdowns and brainspaces and things, so it all depends on where I need to go, and when. Or why. hmm.
Might need to head back to my h2 journal and write some weird poems instead, not using a character, more cryptic, sort of like as a inspired holiday. Course I will never hide who I am, but .. hmm
I suppose there is a way of using creative writing to protect all this kind of thing. Like the unseen layers don't have to show. Interesting thoughts re creative writing.
Think think ... brain ticking over.... good for learning.
I might leave this little story as a kernel right now, (nice image), a seed, see if it sprouts, see where it takes me. Perhaps I will plant it on the grass in the centre of a roundabout, metaphorically speaking. . (should I plant it in the Post right now? don't know. hmm.)
Jay will be OK, I will keep him safe in my head, till he decides if he wants the rest of the story to be written. He led me to the roundabout! How interesting. Have to think about whether I want to use characters.
Be so interesting to hear from others, if this debate sparks any further interest on these matters. Like how creative writing can take you into deep layers and prayers, or not and everything and .
If you can figure those paragraphs, you're a genius. . I was evolving as I typed.
Really appreciate it all, people of the AWW.
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 21, 2011
hullo mvp! your post came in while I was typing my post, so now I am going to read your post, so I will reply to you in a minute from the centre of the roundabout. .
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 21, 2011
ah, interesting mvp, and thanks.
I guess everyone is their own person on the psychological spectrum, and that is what makes it such a peculiar journey, being human. There is no such thing as that's for sure. . Is there?
Be interesting to talk more to you about it all. I am forever fascinated of course. . I wonder how we can find a context to discuss these matters further. hmm.
A87722986 - Directions
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 21, 2011
Go and stand on your roundabout if you feel you need to,cc, but don't fall off.
For myself, I regularly decide that I ought to give up writing and do something more 'useful', like decorating, or cooking, or nature conservation.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 21, 2011
Wow. Thank you all for this fascinating discussion. I learned thngs.
I would never have guessed about the Asperger's behind this, because I'm not experienced or knowledgeable about it. I took the character at face value, and found him quite charming. (Like I said, I was more worried about the music. )
But I see what you mean, now. That's what makes it so interesting.
I don't know if any of you have read the novel 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime'?
I think anybody who has involvement with Asperger's would appreciate this superb and sensitive novel.
Being schizophrenic myself, I'm absolutely in favour of everybody's realising that there's 'no such thing as normal'. I also feel that we should be free to express whatever thoughts/emotions/motivations we want to explore here through our characters.
Don't think, 'Oh, gosh, they can SEE me.' Think, 'Oh, gosh. I communicated more than I thought I did.' The writers are the most visible members of h2g2.
Well done, that. (And this goes into
if and when you're ready for it to do so.)
A87722986 - Directions
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 21, 2011
We all read 'The Curious Incident of the dog in the Nighttime' in my family: my husband, my son and I.
But my husband was the only one to do the Maths A level question.
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 21, 2011
hah! and what a marvellous writing workshop this is.
I never read that book, The Curious Incident book. I remember people being amazed by it when it came out. Must read.
Well, I went to the centre of the metaphorical roundabout, planted a story seed, (so great to talk flaky artist here )and now I have come back. Haha. Lucky you.
Jay says and is doing fine, and will try to write more of the story when I shut up and listen to him.
. He says to tell Mister DG that his music is like sonic tea
with added sugar, as if that helps.
. He really is enchanting. And a geek.
And I have learned a lot too, and OK then so Post this story kernel if you want, be good practice for me, even though I might feel devastatingly exposed, and .. and ... OK OK.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 21, 2011
and hey, that means we can have a literary issue sometime soon, with lots of fiction.
The guys in the new Science Fiction Writing Workshop have come up with some fancy stuff, as well, if you're that way inclined.
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 21, 2011
Science Fiction Writing Workshop?? That looks great. You folks have been busy setting up this h2g2 world of many worlds, while I have been wandering around in my earthly life, eating fried eggs and writing lovesongs to my television.
Now I wish I was a Science Fiction writer. What is Science Fiction, like how would you define the essence of Science Fiction? hah! have to go over there and find out.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 21, 2011
Yeah, you do that.
Speculative fiction, fantasy (but not too much, please), robots and aliens and first contacts, oh, my...
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Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Nov 22, 2011
Dmitri, you do realise that the greater majority of SF authors actually dislike that tag,'Speculative Fiction'?
I think you might going by your emotie.
Me? I don't really have a problem with the tag.
I read SF for a very long time and John Carter of Barsoom was one of my first heroes and that(thankfully) is a claim few can claim these days.
I've moved on and only a good Fantasy novel/series will draw me back to the genre so loved by early seventies bookshops.
I've heard of the SF workshop here and I'll assiduously avoid it as it no longer appeals.
The masters of the 'Golden Age' are all dead(it's screaming for an entry isn't it but I'll ignore it) and I find few(if any) of the newer generation[s] appealing in a let's grab a good book and waste the rest of the day kinda way.
But I can get completely lost in a bio of damn near anything to do with the Augustan age or even the late Restoration...miles and miles away from SF+F and young 'Jay'
A87722986 - Directions
cactuscafe Posted Nov 22, 2011
Whoah Keith, I rather resent that last sentence of yours. Just when I thought there was some kind of trust in this writing workshop, you seem to be sounding a bit angry and cynical here. Was that a snipe at my character Jay, or is that just your humour.
Shame, I was interested to talk to you about your son and your writing and other thngs, but now I'm not so sure.
I am a 56 year old woman by the way, and damn proud of being an artist in my own right, and I don't like being put down like I'm some kind of idiot.
As for the bit about the Sci Fi writing workshop, well I don't know what you're on about there, but I tell you something, I'm not going to get caught in any crossfire, and I'll hassle till I get to the heart of this.
I am really hoping you will tell me that this is just your humour, and others around here who know you can help me over this one.
Key: Complain about this post
A87722986 - Directions
- 1: cactuscafe (Nov 20, 2011)
- 2: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 20, 2011)
- 3: minorvogonpoet (Nov 20, 2011)
- 4: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Nov 21, 2011)
- 5: cactuscafe (Nov 21, 2011)
- 6: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Nov 21, 2011)
- 7: minorvogonpoet (Nov 21, 2011)
- 8: cactuscafe (Nov 21, 2011)
- 9: cactuscafe (Nov 21, 2011)
- 10: cactuscafe (Nov 21, 2011)
- 11: minorvogonpoet (Nov 21, 2011)
- 12: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 21, 2011)
- 13: minorvogonpoet (Nov 21, 2011)
- 14: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 21, 2011)
- 15: cactuscafe (Nov 21, 2011)
- 16: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 21, 2011)
- 17: cactuscafe (Nov 21, 2011)
- 18: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 21, 2011)
- 19: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Nov 22, 2011)
- 20: cactuscafe (Nov 22, 2011)
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