Glass Illuminations

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I have always loved to watch light shining through glass.

So simple in concept, and yet so awe inspiring, watching light through glass transports me into such a state of sensory wonder, I would dare to suggest that the effects are healing to the spirit.

I remember, in childhood, watching the shafts of sunlight slanting through the stained glass windows of my parents' church. The mysterious angels and saints would be illuminated in yellow-gold and crimson, azure blue and emerald green, and I yearned to join them in their strange other world.


A few weeks ago, during my mother's funeral in this very same church, the sunlight suddenly broke through the grey cloud, and the stained glass was once again lit up.

The light-through-glass effect can be discovered in many contexts.

During the 1970s, it was particularly fasionable to hang an ornamental piece of crystal glass in the window so that any sunlight would shine through it, creating a dancing rainbow prism effect all across the room.


I have recently created, at minimal expense, my own light-through-glass celebration.

I have filled a wide glass dish with glass marbles of all sizes and colours.

Into the marbles I have placed two glass candleholders, filled with scented tea lights. When the tea lights are lit, the light flickers through the marbles, and I have my own tiny cathedral, my own light- through-glass world of wonder, so simple in concept, yet so awesomely inspiring.


Even if I am mourning a loss, or grieving the suffering of the world, I will light one of the candles, and watch the flickering light turn yellow-gold and crimson, azure blue and emerald green, transporting me to mysterious other worlds, where my spirit feels strangely healed.

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