A Conversation for Uncle Heavy

A Bored Note

Post 81

Pete *not quite dead yet*

*quirks eyebrow*
which one then?

A Bored Note

Post 82

Uncle Heavy [sic]

your choice

A Bored Note

Post 83

Pete *not quite dead yet*

I choose the smiley - love, then..
I always choose the smiley - love
smiley - biggrin

A Bored Note

Post 84

Uncle Heavy [sic]

a lover, not a fighter

A Bored Note

Post 85

Pete *not quite dead yet*

hehe.. i almost was a fighter tonight..
smiley - laugh

A Bored Note

Post 86

Uncle Heavy [sic]


A Bored Note

Post 87

Pete *not quite dead yet*

ye gods, i don't remember.
i'm sure it was something to do with either chad or stage management though.. my 2 sources of stress.

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