A Conversation for Uncle Heavy

A Bored Note

Post 41

Uncle Heavy [sic]

who knows how irresponsible you could be with little me?

A Bored Note

Post 42

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Very, VERY irresponsible.. smiley - biggrin
smiley - devil

A Bored Note

Post 43

Pete *not quite dead yet*

;p I may have to declare myself your official groupie, UH.
smiley - biggrin

A Bored Note

Post 44

Uncle Heavy [sic]

thats fine. i can learn to live with that smiley - tongueout

A Bored Note

Post 45

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - devil
You best!
smiley - cheerup Here's a loobrush.. I mean, some flowers, from your #1 groupie!
smiley - biggrin

A Bored Note

Post 46

Uncle Heavy [sic]

can i take all the adulation?

A Bored Note

Post 47

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - angel I dunno, can you??
smiley - winkeye

-Peter, waiting for the Cult of UH (Am I gonna have to start it myself?? smiley - laugh) so she can be a high priestess...

A Bored Note

Post 48

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you can start the cult if you like...i wont...it will smack of me being egotistical to everyone else as it is...

i seem to have this reputation for ego...smiley - tongueout cant think why

A Bored Note

Post 49

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - winkeye
smiley - smooch
I'm off to start the cult of Heavy!
smiley - cheers

I've no idea!
smiley - winkeye


A Bored Note

Post 50

Uncle Heavy [sic]

its all unfounded! despite my natural brilliance, my ego is very much in check!

A Bored Note

Post 51

Pete *not quite dead yet*

That's our Uncle, completely humble..
smiley - devil

A Bored Note

Post 52

Uncle Heavy [sic]

youd be surprised

A Bored Note

Post 53

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - biggrin
i'm sure you're very.. surprising.
*rolls eyes*
alright, stop tape!
now that was just *cheesy*!
*glares at the screenwriter*
Come ON man, can't you do any better than that?

Screenwriter: B-b-but..


SW: Sorry, ma'am, but this is my first script and.. *Begins to cry*

*Rolls eyes* People these days..

A Bored Note

Post 54

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i dont think you can blame the screenwriter for the badness of that followup smiley - tongueout

A Bored Note

Post 55

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh Well I've got to blame someone!
Whee, I'm off to the pool soon..
smiley - smiley

A Bored Note

Post 56

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i hate pools. i like pool tho. despite being shite.

A Bored Note

Post 57

Pete *not quite dead yet*

LOL well that's 'cos you don't tan, hon..
But if it were 108 you'd LOVE pools, I tell ya!
smiley - smiley
smiley - hug

A Bored Note

Post 58

Uncle Heavy [sic]

no, id love air conditioning

A Bored Note

Post 59

Pete *not quite dead yet*

So would I, if I had it.
smiley - laugh

A Bored Note

Post 60

Uncle Heavy [sic]

why dont you?

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