A Conversation for Uncle Heavy
A Bored Note
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Jul 2, 2002
who knows how irresponsible you could be with little me?
A Bored Note
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 3, 2002
I dunno, can you??
-Peter, waiting for the Cult of UH (Am I gonna have to start it myself?? ) so she can be a high priestess...
A Bored Note
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Jul 3, 2002
you can start the cult if you like...i wont...it will smack of me being egotistical to everyone else as it is...
i seem to have this reputation for ego... cant think why
A Bored Note
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Jul 5, 2002
its all unfounded! despite my natural brilliance, my ego is very much in check!
A Bored Note
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 8, 2002
i'm sure you're very.. surprising.
*rolls eyes*
alright, stop tape!
now that was just *cheesy*!
*glares at the screenwriter*
Come ON man, can't you do any better than that?
Screenwriter: B-b-but..
SW: Sorry, ma'am, but this is my first script and.. *Begins to cry*
*Rolls eyes* People these days..
A Bored Note
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Jul 11, 2002
i hate pools. i like pool tho. despite being shite.
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A Bored Note
- 41: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 2, 2002)
- 42: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 2, 2002)
- 43: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 2, 2002)
- 44: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 2, 2002)
- 45: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 2, 2002)
- 46: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 3, 2002)
- 47: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 3, 2002)
- 48: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 3, 2002)
- 49: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 3, 2002)
- 50: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 5, 2002)
- 51: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 6, 2002)
- 52: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 8, 2002)
- 53: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 8, 2002)
- 54: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 9, 2002)
- 55: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 10, 2002)
- 56: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 11, 2002)
- 57: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 11, 2002)
- 58: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 12, 2002)
- 59: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 14, 2002)
- 60: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Jul 15, 2002)
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