A Conversation for ACF Scientific Research Facility and Armoury

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 21

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

how far are you on the black hole, GL?

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 22

Big Bad Werewolf

It counted up to past 1000 before I gave up. I tried voting again, but got to the Mr. T page again. I reread what it said on the link to forgiveness:

"click here for Mr. T's infinite forgiveness."

The "infinite" might be a clue. smiley - doh I'm pretty sure it didn't say that the first time, but it might have.

*BBW now feels not only mild butterflies, but tiny footsteps.*

Come on, spider. Don't take all day!

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 23

soeasilyamused, or sea

*still smiley - ill*

i'm at 1070 or so. the worst part is that i didn't even vote early! smiley - tongueout

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 24

Big Bad Werewolf

You're there too?

I didn't know exactly when I last voted, so I could have been early. I kept thinking that I would be forgiven at some point - first I thought at 60 (1 minute), then at 100 (nice round number), then at 120 (2 minutes), then at 300 (5 minutes), then, maybe, at 500 (round number), then at 1000. After that, I thought that maybe it was infinite and I killed that window.

I'm going to try again before I leave for the day, and again on Thursday to see if it is just temporary or if it really is a ban for this match.

*The butterflies suddenly stop and the little footsteps move quickly to one end of BBW's stomach. They stay there for some time, then move slowly back to the other end. BBW's stomach starts to growl. Well, not growl, exactly. More like muffled snoring.*

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 25

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - bigeyes

1350 now... *sigh* it's getting rather annoying, but at this point the stubbornness has kicked in. i'll let it run all afternoon, if need be! smiley - grr

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 26

Big Bad Werewolf

lemme know what happens. Catch you on Thursday.

Over and out.

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 27

soeasilyamused, or sea

bye! check out the forecastle at the M.C. when you get a chance!

btw, i tested it and the black hole thing goes to at LEAST 10,000, so i gave up. i think you're right, it might be infinite.

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 28


What about this??

*produces ball of yarn*

Apparently, a harmless ball of yarn, irresistible to cats.

But once they touch it it produces a warp in the space-time continuum which immediately transports the unfortunate kitty into............the DogHouse!!!

There they will be set upon by all the dogs present at the time.

I call it the "Warped Ball of Yarn"

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 29

Big Bad Werewolf

Sounds good to me. Just don't let sea hear about it. smiley - winkeye

I think Red Dog might be able to use some of his magic to implement it, eh RD? smiley - winkeye

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 30


I have 'ere an hobject that appears to be an hordinary scratching post.

But if you looks closely at the post you will see numerous small buttons.

Scratching any of the buttons will cause numerous spikes to stick out from the post on these 'ere coiled springs.

If you will hallow me to demonstrate. I merely press on this 'ere scratching post and Voila!


Ummm...would hany of you gentlemen have a bandaid, perchance

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 31

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Good idea Busterbone

~ Wraps paw in bandage whilst making soothing noises. Gets large stamp out of pocket and stamps prototype with the words `APPROVED FOR MISUSE` ~

OK take it over to the Cathouse or the Centre for the Development of Anti-Dog Technology and try it out.

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 32


On my way, SAH!

*wanders off whimpering*

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 33

Sprangle(the short dog that dances in her own little world and plays in mud puddles when it rains)

could the bugs you swallowed be the cat's secret weapon?? I was spying on their lad and they are making different types of mechanical bugs that leave the vitom very sick. They couldn't get it to work with deadly poison. The worst that will happen is that those who swallow the bugs will get signs of a fver or cold possible an ear infection. Sorry I didn't get the information any sooner.

No more bug Eating

Springer Sprangle

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 34



No more bug eating.

*spits out bugs*

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 35

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

How about a weapon when fired, shaves the cat it hits?
Oh, it could be homing to. smiley - evilgrin

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 36

soeasilyamused, or sea

*eavesdrops, making notes for countermeasures*

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 37

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Shoo !

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 38

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

A Holografic Paper Sack. That wisk em away to a never ending mindless convesation. That way they can't be buggin us all the time. We could plan the "Tabby Protocal". You know them little buggers just love paper bags. *The Kid starts workin up designs for mirrors& plans to tap into power grid.* Oh if the lights go out in London, I know nothing. And if they don't well call the fire department in Memphis, Tn.
The KIDsmiley - pirate

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 39

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

No wait they already have a long mindless converse going on I mean with my 56K modem I could cook a 5 course meal waiting to get on it. They ought to break it up a bit. So l can harass 'em a little. Roof

Ideas for Evil Weapons Here

Post 40

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Paper bags sound good. also, we need to think of some type of liquad to pour over them from the fort walls at the flea pit. They will be scaling the walls soon. How about Hair remover?

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