A Conversation for Dino Zoff - the Footballer

Great player, great entry

Post 1


I once got into a fight over a Dino Zoff sticker for Panini's Europa 80 sticker book! I did win, though. The things that are important when you're 8...

This is a great piece, and well written. Zoff is a true footballing great, and this entry tells his story very well.


Great player, great entry

Post 2


smiley - blush Thank you! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the Entry. All I need now is some tasteful Scout to come along and pick it so that it can get on the front page during the World Cup! smiley - footballsmiley - ok

Great player, great entry

Post 3


I think it has been recommended actually - I just checked. Hoorah!

Great player, great entry

Post 4


Yay! smiley - biggrin Thanks for the good news! That must have happened pretty recently - I freely admit that I've been checking regularly! smiley - smiley

Right, now I just have to finish the World Cup University Project I've been working on, and then the Entry on Franz Beckenbauer that I've started. A smiley - football-loving Researcher's work is never done... smiley - smiley

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