A Conversation for The Cat Menace


Post 1


What a silly page... it is not a good idea to mock your betters...


Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Wondered when you'd turn up .... shoo smiley - tongueout


Post 3


Me could hardly stay away... now could me... ~Greebo settles down for a good guffaw~

So how is you... and your odd little world???


Post 4

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~decides to go along with this for a while until it gets boring~

Fine, fine, you know war has it`s ups and downs and all that. One good day then one bad day - it all balances in the end.

You know our Dog world is not odd it is merely different and you have to accept that some creatures have different value systems - that why it`s OK in the world of Cats to prey on other animals and rip mice and birds to bits for some curious sense of gratification. I don`t necessarily agree with it but accept that you have to be true to your own nature.

Anyhow that`s all the philosophising you`re going to get from me - the Cat War was really started by me for no real reason other than it gives us a chance to practice a little humour of the absurd kind.


Post 5


Oh dear... As you must know... me is no ordinary cat, me would no more kill another creature as you would... me also believes that as long as you don't hurt anyone else... the way you live your life is up to each individual...

Me is sorry if my conversation will in the future bore you... me does try to be exciting... but sometimes life is just to... ~yawn~... hard... ~grin~


Post 6

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Ahhhh ..... I think I understand you a little better now Greebo. You're not boring me it`s just that I wasn`t sure which way you`d be going with the conversation after your opening lines.

I agree completely with your philosophy of life. I am a very tolerant and patient individual in RL without a bigotted bone in my body and a very well developed sense of natural justice.

My objective with the Cat War was simply that having adopted a Dog persona it seemed to me that there was a lot of fun in instigating a mock fight between h2g2 Cats and h2g2 Dogs ... so we set about recruiting the dogs first to our cause and then extended it to other life forms that are traditionally on the receiving end from Cats. Nothing serious - just for fun. So far it has been huge fun and very very amusing ..... you should check out some of the threads.

smiley - kiss and make up ?



Post 7


~grin~... the kiss was most welcome...

Me is not sure me would like to fight with anyone on h2g2... but me does appreciate the humour in a cat and dog fight... ~bigger grin~


Post 8

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I'm glad we`re friends smiley - hug.

I was chuffed the Cat War made Abi`s Community page this week .


Post 9


Its really something to be noticed by the italics... ~grin~... Er... will you get in trouble for talking with the enemy???


Post 10


*Busterbone leaps in with a shovel*

Look out Reddog, Greebo is right behind you!!.

I'll get her!!

*begins chasing Greebo with shovel*

Phew, that was close!!!

She almost got you.

You know from a distance it almost looked like you and Greebo were..hahahahah.....kissing.


But of course thats unnatural. Dog and Cats kissing.Hahhahahahaha.

Must have been a figment of my imagination!

That would be like a Montague kissing a Capulet


Post 11

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - biggrin


Post 12


~Greebo reappears.... grabs the shovel from Busterbone... and snaps it in half with one paw.. she then back flips up onto RD's shoulder... and stares as only a cat can... (well occasionally me has noticed babies using the same stare... but me doesn't want to get into that conversation... its far to scarey)... at Busterbone~

You were saying???


Post 13


Poor Pratchett quote follows -

"And the grin slowly faded until only the cat remained."

Ummm......nice kitty?

I can see everything is shipshape and bristol fashion here.

Um...I'll be off then.



Post 14


~Greebo extends her long orange tail... and wraps it securely around Busterbones throat...~

Not so fast bone breath...


Post 15



I'm being whipped by a cat-of-one-tails.


Post 16

RedFish ><>

~wanders in~

Hmm, Busterbone, I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew!

~gives Greebo a smiley - donut as a sign of goodwill~


Post 17


Mmmmmmmmmmmm....smiley - donut


Post 18

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Oh Oh

~ hides ~


Post 19


*hides with Red Dog*


Post 20

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

~urgently whispers~

Look, I`m hiding by curling up, wrapping my tail around my nose and shutting my eyes. As much as I like you, trying to hide under me is not that condusive to my health and well being. As soon as she`s finished with the h2g2 quiz she`ll be over you know. You have no idea what she`s capable of.

~starts to shake~

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