A Conversation for Scottish Researchers Group

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 61

fords - number 1 all over heaven

The card reader won't take that particular card size smiley - erm

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 62

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Ohsmiley - sadface. Well unless battery turns up your options are;
New battery £20-30
New card reader £10-20

My place sells all of the above of coursesmiley - biggrin but if you let me know what the camera model is i may be able to lend you something, so you could at least upload the meet photies! Or someond could come into shop with card, and I'll burn a CD for ya- no charge!

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 63

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah, so you stole it to drum up business! smiley - tongueout

It's very kind, but I've just ordered a new battery... surprisingly only £12.95. If the other one turns up then at least I've got a backup...

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 64

fords - number 1 all over heaven

It's just really strange how the battery went missing - I mean, why take the battery and not the camera?

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 65

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Yup! I sneaked into the pub and stole your battery- damn-i'm such a crap thiefsmiley - winkeye

That's a good price. Nice one.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 66

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - laugh

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 67

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Oh yeah. EV, I want my trousers back!

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 68

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Give me my battery back then. smiley - tongueout

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 69


Did I say, "Polyphimosis"? Sorry I meant paraphimosis.

Hey it's part of the Beeb's remit to educate.

OK EV, ask yoursef this, "Where do you think your battery went missing?".

Uh huh, and what do you associate with chickens?

Voila, another triumph for my manboobs...err Wum of the Yard

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 70


Hmm, having read the log, what a lot I missed due to DD's never ending politics. Still, the free beer was nice.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 71

The Psycho Chicken -- self respect intact

Hmmm. The whole Prince conversation returns to my addled memory...
Thanks for incorporating my bash into yours. Hope fun was had!

smiley - chick - 16 pints left and falling....

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 72

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Sounds like it was a good night, wish I'd been able to come...

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 73

Mister Matty

"Hmmm. The whole Prince conversation returns to my addled memory... "

Mine too. Bloody hell. I'll not be able to look at him in the same way again, now.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 74

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Again, thanks for having us, PsychoChicken. Must've been quite the shock for your other guests when we more than doubled the number of guests in a matter of minutes. smiley - smiley

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 75

Demon Drawer

Munchkin I only asnwered questions on politics that were posed by other researchers don't blame me. smiley - winkeye

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 76


oh i'm working on a guide entry

maybe I can join the band some day smiley - smiley

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 77

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Why not? I'm sure Jamie will be along at some point to add you to the main group page... A599376

In the meantime, despite someone's best efforts, here are the pics! http://community.webshots.com/album/424365617TJiyje

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 78


Nice to see my Magic Rain stick but I'm not sure Toc will ever forgive you.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 79


looks as though you all had fun!

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 80

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

EV. Got the trousers in the post the other day. Cheers. smiley - ok

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