A Conversation for Scottish Researchers Group

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 41

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, why do I bother? smiley - steam

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 42


I'm easy.

smiley - yikes

Sorrysmiley - grovel accidentally slipped into (oo err missus) my award winning fords impersonation there.smiley - run

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 43


"Oh, why do I bother?"

That's easy, it's because...

er, no not that, but...

actually, it's, er...


Can I get back to you on that one?

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 44


And to be (slightly) more serious...

the 6th i could sort of do, but that's in the middle of Worldcon, so you'd have to drag me away from a monumental pissup to take part in another pissup (which ain't gonna be as monumental without Ku'Reshtin, after all).

I'd go for the 13th, meself. I might even have recovered by then. And besides, I think it's perfectly in keeping with the SRG to be late for our own aniversary smiley - biggrin

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 45

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

You make a valid point there. smiley - winkeye

Shall we go for the 13th then?

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 46


smiley - cheers

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 47

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Sounds good to me! Can you make that one Ku'? I want to make sure you can attend cos we've not seen you for far too long smiley - smiley

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 48

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

13th of August will be good for me. No game that weekend, no visitors from Sweden, Probably a bit short on cash, but I'll manage.smiley - smiley

Count me in for the 13th.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 49

fords - number 1 all over heaven

13 August it is then! smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 50

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Here we go then... A4569339 - add your name to the sign up thread for free beer!

PS: No free beer.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 51

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Okay, just a bit of fine tuning needed then... shall we say 1pm in the Counting House, as per usual?

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 52

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

smiley - ok I'm fine with that.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 53


Succinct and to the point information. Your slipping.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 54


Point of Order

Isn't a requirement of meets that there is some sort of non-alcoholic schedule dreamed up? Tradition demands thiis immediately ignored, but it still has to be there. How about scheduling some sort of feelgood outing that would enhance the lives of Glaswegians, no not free Buckie, killing those immigrant bagpipers that are gathering by the thousand this weekend?smiley - headhurts

PS I'll find you somewhere at 7-8pm

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 55

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

It's a good point, Wumbie. You're not sober are you? smiley - erm

Any ideas for an afternoon activity? Killing pipers is a very noble cause but ideally we're looking for something that doesn't involve getting arrested.

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 56

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Guided tour of George Square? That'll be non-alcoholic, I guess. Would that be enough to satisfy the SNAG's (Scotmeet Non-Alcoholic Gods)?
Or will they need something more as an offering to be apeased?

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 57


"This is George Square and this is The Counting House. I believe it's your round". Nice try Ku smiley - winkeye

I think you should all buy tickets on the tour bus and get off every time you spot a giraffe...no that's a bit too easy...get off for a drink every time you pass a pub with a biblical connection. There you go culture, religion and bevvy, what could be more fitting for Glasgow?

The Ark's just at the opposite corner of the Square so you're off to a flyer, tho they probably won't let you back on the bus that close to the start/finish, and you'll lynch me.

I admit this does not fully satisfy the SNAG requirements, but did you expect it to?

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 58

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Okay, what's going on here?

Somewhere between leaving the pub and getting home, somebody has taken the battery out of our camera. It doesn't work with ordinary AA batteries, only with this particular battery. Therefore it doesn't work now. smiley - cross

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 59

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Log - A5068136

Now we are (rapidly approaching) five...

Post 60

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Sounds like somebody's trying to prevent to uploading any picturessmiley - bigeyes- so ask yourself who had the worst photos taken of them last night, and you've found your battery thief...

Mind you, if you posess a card reader then their dastardly plan will have been thwarted.

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