A Conversation for Scottish Researchers Group

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 101

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Oh, I don't mind that you laugh. I could still beat you at LQ with both the bad foot and an arm tied behind my back.smiley - smiley

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 102



Dunno if I can make it to the meet. But if I don't, then toast my birthday in my absence. smiley - biggrin

I'm probably going to stay in a darkened room and weep about my advanced state of decrepitude. I'll be 24! smiley - sadface

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 103

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Don't complain, young'un..smiley - tongueout I turned 27 just the other day...

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 104


Gonz, you *know* you're not old. smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 105



My younger brother is now in his 2nd year at uni. Now that makes me feel old. Admittedly, I'm in second year too, but I did more mucking about than him.

Remember, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Kurt Cobain were only 27 when they died...

smiley - wah

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 106


Well, you're younger than me smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 107

Zantic - Who is this woman??

OI! ou lot! Hush!

I'm gonna be 26 in less then a month and I REFUSE to let anybody make me think it's anything other than young! smiley - dragon

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 108


I'm 28 and I feel young still, except for when I feel old.

smiley - rose

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 109


I feel very old. Especially when I consider that there are people in my tutorial group who were born in 1983 smiley - erm

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 110


Eek! I'd feel old there!

Mind you, me and Anne went to watch Vip play in a gig in Birmingham the other week, except for us everybody was around the 17 - 19 mark!

smiley - rose

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 111

Researcher 174318-Zhora- all the nice girls like a sailor

Some of your tutorial group were born in 1983... and you feel old, I should probably lie down and die then. I was born in 1963!smiley - silly I agree with Zantic, you are young if you feel young. Believe me, I don't feel a day over 18 (mental age about 6!). Then again, maybe that should be a warning to otherssmiley - winkeye

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 112


You are only as old as the person you feel... and I have an eighteen year old locked in a chest for those occasions. smiley - laugh

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 113

Researcher 174318-Zhora- all the nice girls like a sailor

Next year I'm getting 2 twenty year olds for that very purpose!smiley - winkeye

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 114


smiley - erm Munchkin!...........

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 115


You're in trouble now...

smiley - rose

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 116


What? She can have a feel too if she wants.

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 117


I was worried for the poor Lass(? I hope!) all bored with nothing to do

smiley - laugh

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 118

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Bleedin' youngsters. When Kurt Cobain was my age he'd been dead for three years.

I think we may have strayed from the point somewhat. smiley - ale?

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 119

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

smiley - stiffdrink for me, please.smiley - smiley

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 120

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*pours smiley - stiffdrink and smiley - ale*
Your very good health, sir. Has anyone done one of those pages describing what's happening and who's attending? Probably not.

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