A Conversation for Scottish Researchers Group

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 121


is it ever really known what's happening and to whom, until the day? smiley - winkeye

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 122


Very true. Let us just to the pub, and the rest can work itself out. smiley - smiley

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 123

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ladies and people of the SRG, an official meet-up page is now in place at A904943. If anyone else wants to be added to the list of attendees, speak now or forever hold your, er, peace. smiley - ok

Who's up for the Christmas meet then?

Post 124


As opposed to holding your piece smiley - devil

Well, Wumbie's not around so someone has to lower the tone smiley - winkeye Now, if anyone reads this before Saturday, is there any chance I could crash somewhere on the night? I need to be in town Sunday afternoon as well, so it'd be quite handy...

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