A Conversation for Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
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Peer Review: A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
Skankyrich [?] Started conversation Sep 30, 2005
Entry: Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK - A5974310
Author: Skankyrich - I'll see you in the sky above, in the tall grass, in the ones I love... - U931109
First one in a while!
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
parrferris Posted Oct 1, 2005
Very good entry. I don't know the heath at all, though I know the area reasonably well (and Drumbridges roundabout more than I'd like). I remember when the ant colony was moved to Paignton Zoo - their press office claimed a million new animals at one go!
I couldn't help thinking that there are a few too many footnotes. Maybe some of them could be worked back into the text?
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
Skankyrich [?] Posted Oct 1, 2005
Thanks Parferris!
I've worked a few footnotes back in but some should stay, I think - explaining statutory designations, however briefly, doesn't make great reading!
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
parrferris Posted Oct 1, 2005
That's what I meant - I certainly didn't mean to suggest that you should work them all back in. Too many footnotes tend to be a distraction, though.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
echomikeromeo Posted Oct 1, 2005
Maybe you should either spell out what SSSI stands for in the title, or leave out the acronym all together. It's a bit confusing to have something that people might not necessarily understand in the title. Then you can go on to explain what an SSSI is in the intro of the entry, like you do.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
Azara Posted Oct 1, 2005
Hi, Skankyrich!
Another great entry--a well-balanced mix of natural history and history, with a good sense of the local individuality of the site.
Some points I noticed:
I'd agree with the comment about the footnotes: there's an extra problem there in that (in the hated Internet Explorer) if you read the footnotes as I do, by hovering the mouse pointer on the number, the links in the footnote don't work, which makes the 'look here' bit very disconcerting. I would suggest fusing all three footnotes in the first section into one footnote at the end of the paragraph.
One thing that isn't very clear is why this area was distinctively different--why was the soil poor or acidic enough here to give rise to heathland? (I vaguely associate lowland Devon with rich soils and dairy farming) Later on you mention the Bovey Basin, and both tin and china clay, so I think it would be a good idea to throw in a sentence or two nearer the beginning about the geology and underlying rock. The impression I get is that the Bovey Basin is a bowl-shaped depression with thin soils over underlying rocks which include ores of tin, but I may have misunderstood.
How to find it: "From the A38, turn off for Bovey Tracey..." I had a look at my GB road atlas and these directions are not very helpful unless you include a mention of starting from Exeter or from the end of the M5 .
Once again, I really like this, and I think it will make an excellent addition to the Edited Guide.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
Skankyrich [?] Posted Oct 2, 2005
EMR - the name of the site is 'Bovey Heathfield SSSI' - I've explained it as soon as humanly possible in the text.
Azara - I've kept the footnotes seperate - if I was subbing, I'd explain each as I go - but have revised them and made the links more descriptive - anyone who's really really interested in EN designations can still follow them at the foot of the page, a sure cure for insomnia . Added line on local geology; in terms of directions, if you've even had the vaguest thought that you might plan to come, you'll have found the A38 - trust me
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
echomikeromeo Posted Oct 2, 2005
I understand, but here I am wondering what an SSSI is before I've read the entry. I just don't think people should be confused by the title.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
frenchbean Posted Oct 2, 2005
An alternative is to re-title it "Bovey Heathfield Site of Special Scientific Interest", but that's horribly wordy and probably no more illuminating
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
echomikeromeo Posted Oct 3, 2005
Yes, that did occur to me.
How about just taking out the SSSI bit in the title. Would you lose a lot just by saying that it's 'Bovey Heathfield, Devon, UK'? Then you could explain that it's a Site of Special Scientific Interest as soon as you start the entry.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
frenchbean Posted Oct 3, 2005
Well, not really, because SSSI is actually part of the name.
At the end of the day, having SSSI in the title is accurate. And would it deter anybody from reading the entry? And Skanks has explained the term early on in the piece.
Is this all getting a bit pedantic?
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
echomikeromeo Posted Oct 3, 2005
Yeah, probably. Sorry for the big deal about it.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 12, 2005
Since you use SSSI in the title, you should explain it in the text rather than in a footnote.
pleisticence --> pleistocene
1000 acres --> 1,000 acres
traing grounds --> training grounds
The 'Downtrodden Ants Return Home. -- there's a missing quotation mark in this.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 21, 2005
You content with this one 'rich?
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
Skankyrich [?] Posted Oct 21, 2005
Yes, absolutely
I forgot to mention that the Reserve Officer looked it over on Wednesday and says it's ok - thought I'd better get him to check the facts were straight.
A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 21, 2005
Key: Complain about this post
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Peer Review: A5974310 - Bovey Heathfield SSSI, Devon, UK
- 1: Skankyrich [?] (Sep 30, 2005)
- 2: parrferris (Oct 1, 2005)
- 3: Skankyrich [?] (Oct 1, 2005)
- 4: parrferris (Oct 1, 2005)
- 5: echomikeromeo (Oct 1, 2005)
- 6: Azara (Oct 1, 2005)
- 7: Skankyrich [?] (Oct 2, 2005)
- 8: Skankyrich [?] (Oct 2, 2005)
- 9: echomikeromeo (Oct 2, 2005)
- 10: frenchbean (Oct 2, 2005)
- 11: echomikeromeo (Oct 3, 2005)
- 12: frenchbean (Oct 3, 2005)
- 13: echomikeromeo (Oct 3, 2005)
- 14: frenchbean (Oct 3, 2005)
- 15: Skankyrich [?] (Oct 10, 2005)
- 16: Gnomon - time to move on (Oct 12, 2005)
- 17: Skankyrich [?] (Oct 12, 2005)
- 18: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 21, 2005)
- 19: Skankyrich [?] (Oct 21, 2005)
- 20: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 21, 2005)
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