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Post 61


Ahhh, youth for me was (is, depending on your definition of "youth" smiley - smiley) just a brief stopover on my way to becoming crazy old hippie lady on a motorbike...

...I've got most of the clothes down pat...next I have to learn to ride a motorbike...

...and crazy was taken care of when I was born smiley - weirdsmiley - laugh

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Post 62

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Whoever's in charge of updating this entry... My old UName is on your list, but needs to be replaced with the new one. I put a post about it some time ago, but it seems to have missed the attention of the powers that be...
And your bullets are in weird places...

smiley - cheers

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Post 63

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Ok - somebody pay attention to this guy because I'm not in charge of anything here (as far as I know...).
Sorry mate, but I can't help you with it - I'm trying to attract the attention of someone who can.
*cups her hands to her mouth* Anybody...?!? *echoes*

Ok, I've done my best - over to whoever's in charge.

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Post 64

Ivan the Terribly Average

*sits smiley - zen and awaits the arrival of the One who is In Charge*

I wonder who it is?

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Post 65

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I'm not sure - we need an Electric Monk in here, I'm sure he'd have no trouble believing something about the One who is in Charge, while we await the presence of the Almighty of H2G2...
(Hang on, wouldn't that be DNA?)

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Post 66

Ivan the Terribly Average

It could be the great prophet Nighthoover, too.

But actually, I think Cafram might be in charge around here.

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Post 67

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Ohh, Cafram is the One Who Is In Charge...
(I don't even know who that is...smiley - erm)

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Post 68

Pond_Rat [life is weird - laugh at it.]

Our beloved 'One in Charge' Cafram is a Melbourne researcher who often seems toooooo busy to update the researcher list, but rest assured, she does do it at least once a year smiley - biggrin

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Post 69


Aye, Cafram hikes and kayaks and all that stuff...all those "outdoor" activities that get in the way of hootoo...

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Post 70

Ivan the Terribly Average

'Outdoor' activities. I hear people talking about 'the outdoors', but smiley - erm I don't really understand what that is... Does it matter? Am I missing something?

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Post 71


I wouldn't worry too much...I partook in a few of these "outdoors" activities in my youth...they are terribly overrated...you get dirty, and bitten, and bruised...

...and really you can do all of that indoors smiley - winkeye

But there are some "outdoor" places...known as "beer gardens"...they are quiet nice...

...but just so you're not too disapponted...these beer gardens have neither trees growing beer, or waterfalls with beer...but they still are nice, if not as magical as I once believed smiley - cheers

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Post 72

Ivan the Terribly Average

Tanzen, I've just found out that the Elvis Costello gig here will be 'outdoors' - do you think that would be a good way of breaking oneself in to leaving a built environment?

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Post 73


Definitely smiley - ok

I mean, if you're going to be in an environment that you're unsure of, what better way to distract yourself from the strangeness of it, than by being in the presence of one of the coolest, funniest and handsomest performers of our time smiley - loveblush

(Ahh....dear sweet Elvis...smiley - drool...)

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Post 74

Ivan the Terribly Average

Would you come to Canberra for E Costello?

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Post 75


Yes I would I would I would...if I had the money and could afford to go to a concert here and there I would smiley - somersault!!

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Post 76

Ivan the Terribly Average

Money. Ah yes, I remember money. Had some once...

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Post 77


Well if it gets around to November and there are still tickets available I may very well do it...the more I think about it the more it sounds like a good idea...that way I'll get to see Elvis *twice* smiley - drool...and if I jhike it up to Canberra I'll be able to catch up with my girl again smiley - loveblush...and then I'll hunt you down for a drink smiley - cheers!

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Post 78

Ivan the Terribly Average

That sounds like a very cunning plan indeed! The weather will be nice by then, too...

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Post 79

Ivan the Terribly Average

The show's on Sunday 21 November, by the way.

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Post 80


The plan so far....

...I will go up a few days before...stay with my girl, play in Canberra, kidnap an Ivan, go to see Elvis, then come back down on the Monday to see Elvis again on the Tuesday...

What is stopping me at the moment...

1) I have a friend from NZ coming over for the concert...don't know if he'll be up for the week from the weekend before or the weekend after the concert.
2) I have no money to speak of smiley - laugh

Oh well, we'll see what happens

Out to lunch...back in a little while!

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